• Profile picture of Insightful Zebra
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    Insightful Zebra posted an update 8 years, 10 months ago

    I’m sorry everyone, everyone who i ever pissed off, i’m sorry. Everyone i misjudged, everyone i wasn’t able to help, everyone who i ignored and to everyone i let down. But mostly, the person i failed the most was myself, i’m sorry, for not being myself, for not being grateful for the life i have been given, i’m sorry i hurt you, i only did it cause i didn’t know what to do. All i wanted was to feel something, but i never did. The world hurt you but when it kept doing it, i let it do it to you. I failed myself. Everything i was doing wat to try and be happy, but all i did was for me, i thought hapiness was materialistic and was something that i had to get. But i now realize that hapiness is not a goal, it’s a way of travel, a way to travel in this crazy, fucked up and beautiful life. I found out that hapiness is found within us, the thing is, it’s hard to find, but i also found out that it lies, not in what we have, but what we do. Hapiness is found in the actions we choose to make, but it only works if we act on what we believe, on what we are and what we think is right. But it’s not only found in our actions, but also in everything around us and how we choose to feel. For once, i choose to feel grateful, i choose to accept myself for who i am and i choose to be happy with what i have right now, because, i don’t need anything else but me to be happy. But when hapiness is shared, i creates a beautiful feeling that expands and it manifests and crazy ways we never imagined would happen. Life doesn’t owe me anything and i don’t owe it anything, i choose to stop being angry, i choose to instead of blaming life, working on how to be better and happier. But most importantly, i have learned that everyone has that chance, of being happy, no matter what our past looks like, no matter what we have done, no matter what life has done to us, it’s up to us to fight for ourselves, even in the tide is against us, we can either fight the tide or let it drag us down. It doesn’t matter what i have done and what i was, cause it’s all in the past. So mainly, i forgive myself. Thank you, everyone who has helped me, or those who have listened to my cries of desperation, and i can’t be sure i won’t be struggling in the future, but instead of giving up, i’ll fight, because life is not going to be giviving anything to you, in fact it’ll shit on you, but here’s something really important i think everyone should know. Life is only as good as the person who is in control of it. So yeah, it can be a shitty life or it can be a good one, it’s a matter of choosing to fight. Not everyone will get the same shit you do, not everyone will go through what you’ve been, but everyone gets the decision to fight or to give up. Have a nice night everyone.

    Mood : Satisfied
    • hELL YES! That was so great 10/10 thank you for that. I feel so empowered now

    • It’s great to see you positive and happy @insightful-cobra, keep going, I’m sure things will be OK and everything will go fantastically for you, hold your head up high and show everyone that you can make it, never give up, always believe in yourself, you can do it, I’m always here if you need someone to talk too, message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)