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    Katherine posted an update 8 years, 11 months ago

    I don’t get why my family has to judge me so much…They always judge me because I always obsess over things like Doctor Who,Sherlock,British actors,ect T-T It’s my life..

    • Obsession isn’t good. That’s why they ”judge”.

    • Well Sherlock is pretty damn great.

    • @yazoo77 you are mistaken, Obsessions that society does not understand aren’t good,

      Two social obsessions no one mentions but are there:

      Sports & Religion

      You hear every echleon and every facet of religion do their deeds in the names of this and that, they’re letting a thousand year old fandom guide their lives

      You hear them shout and chant for their favorite sports team, some repeatedly cosplay their pre bought factory made costumes, some have a holiday to watch tournaments

      Whats the difference of theirs to yours?

      what right do they have to judge you when they have their own unspoken obessions?

      You do what you want,its not hurting anyone and its only giving you happiness,

      @teamtennantgirl shrug off the burden of their judgement, their judging stares bears no weight, they’re being hyprocites if they judge you without judging themselves first

    • Don’t let your family be mean and horrible towards you @teamtennantgirl, they shouldn’t judge you Katherine, you deserve so much better, I would focus on the things that make you smile and that make you happy, don’t let them get you down, hold your head up high and be positive, things will be OK, I’m always here if you need someone to talk too, message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)