• Profile picture of quentin
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    quentin posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    I wish I had the courage to take all my pills at once

    • Please don’t think like that @thedogwhobarks, you can and will make it through tough times Quentin, you are such an amazing and remarkable person who deserves so much happiness and love, don’t let sadness get you down and don’t do anything to yourself, great things will happen to you and you will be so successful, you have so much to do and see in life, things will be OK, you are a warrior and fighter who never gives up, show the world how truly fantastic you are, you can do this, believe in yourself and keep going forward, there is always hope and you will overcome, message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open, stay strong, you are never alone :) (hugs)