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    ♡AlmostThere♡ posted an update 9 years, 1 month ago

    Why is age always an issue in this world? What does the number of years on this planet have to do with anything, and why does it always determine our fate? Now I understand things such as drinking laws and such but I’m talking a little bit deeper. Why is it that when you are a specific age you MUST communicate with people your age, or one year below/above? Why does it matter what age of people we talk to? I’m 17, almost 18. I have a close friend that is 28, why is that seen as an issue? Sure he’s seen more. Sure he’s been through more…but what stops him from being friends with someone as young as me? Same with dating. My friend is 18 dating a 23 year old. That’s considered bad? Who says age can determine love now? It’s stupid. Oh you’re 18 and expecting a child? So what! If you’re ready for it, go for it! I don’t see why people choose to shut you down over something like that. Getting married at 18? You pregnant? Just because someone wants to tie the knot at 18 doesn’t mean that you have something wrong. It’s YOUR choice so why should YOU let people tell you otherwise.

    Random ramble is random.

    • I think there’s nothing wrong with it at all!
      But my best friend’s parents are highly against it and would keep her away from him. At first they told her she had to wait until she graduated to date him but they’re slowly getting over it. They fear that since he’s older he’s had sex, done drugs, and other unspeakable things and they feel he will corrupt their daughter.

      But I personally know the guy and he’s a good friend of mine…so if the older person checked out then it’s alright.

    • Yeah I know. All I’ve said is what her parents think.

    • I think people are trying to be protective, they’re scared that the older guy will take advantage of the younger girl. I can understand why parents (especially parents) would be concerned. You need to make them understand this is safe.
      As for getting married and pregnant at 18, I think that the problem comes from the fact that in our society, being 18 oes not mean that you’re mature anymore. You just went out of high school, you usually know nothing of life because you’ve never lived on your own and never had adult responsabilities (I said in general, I know some people did have to take many responsabilities when they were teens). Even if you feel ready, you usually don’t know exactly what you should be ready for and that’s why people are worried you’re ding a big mistake thinking you’ve thought the whole thing through. In those cases, communication is important because the battle between ”no you’re ready” and ”yes, i’m ready” does not lead to anything. Both parties have to talk to each other, people against the idea have to listen the arguments of the person who wants to have a baby/get married, and this person must listen to the people against the idea to make sure there is not an important detail they might not have thought about. That’s a proof a maturity to act rationnally an to listen and talk to people about the issue, and that’s part of how you prove them you’re ready.