• Profile picture of music_lover
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    music_lover posted an update 9 years, 9 months ago

    You have no idea how much I would want to be next to you right now to make you understand that you’re not alone and it’s worth to live. Killing yourself isn’t an answer no matter how hard your life gets.

    Mood : Sad
    • how do you know?

    • Please don’t feel sad @wendy97, things will get better for you, keep your head up, remember that you are so strong and that you are never alone, don’t ever give up, keep moving forward, you are a beautiful and wonderful person with great qualities in you, you can be happy, you deserve to smile, you can do this, you are amazing, if you need to talk or need a friend, I’m always here, feel free to message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open :) (hugs)

    • What do you tell everyone the same bull shit?

    • I’m sorry that what I wrote makes you think about it as a bull shit,I just tried to help someone. You don’t know a story behind what I wrote. I thought for your age you should judge less but I guess not.
      Anyway…if someone’s gonna write in their updates that they want to kill themselves,I need to just stay away and don’t help? Okay,I’m not gonna help anyone because all I say is a ”bull shit”. Thanks for your opinion.

    • Because running away by killing yourself is never a solution. She’s right.
      Why ruining the whole life because of something that will pass?

      I had suicidal thoughts. But I’d be so wrong if I killed myself…

      Music_lover – thank you. You’re a very strong person if you’re here right now.

    • I’m sorry that I read this only now, but I’m thankful for your support. Ave I’ve gone through things like that too, but I’m still here and I’m alright.
      Behind this post was someone who basically needed someone next to then physically, but I couldn’t do that because I live far away from this person. It’s been months since I wrote it, but I still remember it, because all this person needed was someone next to then so this person wouldn’t feel alone and wouldn’t have to think about death.