• Profile picture of SilentRain
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    SilentRain posted an update 9 years, 9 months ago

    I’ve been trying since yesterday to chat online with suicide websites, but I haven’t had any luck. I guess that means I shouldn’t do it at all. I would call, but I’m reluctant. So I’ll just keep it all inside. Hope everyone is having a day better than mine.

    • Keep your head up @silentrain, you can make it through this, never give up, you are so strong, try your best to think positively, bad days will pass and you will have many better days ahead for you, you are never alone, you are a wonderful person with great qualities in you, you will overcome, don’t lose hope, if you need to talk or need a friend, I’m always here, feel free to message me anytime if you want, my inbox is always open :) (hugs)