• Profile picture of rayman1030
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    rayman1030 posted an update 10 years, 11 months ago

    Well unfortunately the more this website grows the less appealing it is becoming to me.

    I mean it’s awesome that we are growing bigger but I did enjoy the small community we built up. It’s just harder to feel connected to people when that small community starts turning into a civilization haha.

    • Haha exactly. Now that isn’t to say we can still have communities, they just might need to start being moved over to individual forums instead of us hogging the whole website to ourselves.

      It might be better to let other communities to start developing apart from the one we seem to have build up.

    • I agree. And one thing I have noticed is quite a few people are trying to get as many friends as they possibly can and it just seems pointless. You are suppose to be friends because you like talking and hearing what the other has to say.