enigmatic octopus said 10 years, 5 months ago:

I feel as if my brain finally begins to function at full capacity late at night. Although it is most definitely calculative during the day it isn’t up to par with my night time mechanics.

Naturally not many people experience this time so I suppose it’s humbling in a way haha. I’m also very ruminative and sometimes seem to dwell on past decisions, actions, dialogue… etc. etc. not even necessarily bad situations… just past things. I over analyze everything. C’est dommage!

Nadia said 10 years, 5 months ago:

I usually think of the future, and the kind of person I want to grow up to be known as.

Late at night is when I have my deepest thoughts, evidently because I’m exhausted, but also because I’m the only one up so there’s nothing keeping me occupied. I should really go to bed earlier.

I prefer night conversations over day; they tend to be the best kind of conversations. You learn a lot about people when they’re up late at night and telling you all these things.

Raymond said 10 years, 5 months ago:

I’m only a night owl, because the schedule of my treatment for my condition does it. I actually fall asleep easily, but that’s not always the case after I finish receiving my treatment.

But I think about my future, and how to plan the next day, to be productive. I also try to think of things I wanted to note down into my phone, as a reminder of something. The brain can only do so much, to keep a reminder of so many things you don’t want to forget.

Sydnee said 10 years, 5 months ago:

I feel my brain works best at night as well. However, I find night driving to be inspiring. For some reason when I drive especially at NIGHT…I get the best ideas and inspiration. :)

Brown Sugar said 10 years, 5 months ago:

Late at night, I just enjoy thinking about life: I reflect on the past and think about the future, about what tomorrow might bring. I also drink some tea and then read a good book, because I love falling asleep to one of my favorite novels.

Nugget said 10 years, 4 months ago:

i think about random things… like what the weather in london is at the moment (i’m in australia), what i’m going to do on my next days off… what my dogs dreaming about…
also think about things in the past i.e. music festivals, holidays things i’ve seen and done and happy memories they leave me with

Deleted User said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Hope I’m not depressed tomorrow

AloneInWonderland said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I read and write a little, trying to keep my mind off of too depressing topics, so i may talk to others if their awake. But then lo and behold, my alarm clock goes off and I forgot to sleep. Again.

Hearmenow said 10 years, 2 months ago:

To be honest, I definitely think I’m the most creative and inspired late at night. Also, I think a lot. About random things, some more important than others, or just really stupid things or think trough what I’ve done today, if there’s something I should have done.

But mostly… I think about my future. Which is probably why I’ve spent a lot of recent nights searching for degrees and stuff.

Cessa said 10 years, 2 months ago:

My minds runs out on its own and I think about mistakes I’ve made, worry about the future, people who’ve hurt me, etc.

To control my thoughts I think of movies and stories I like, clothes and style that I like, etc, but it keeps me awake.

NicNac said 10 years, 2 months ago:

My mind starts analyzing. Actually; over-analyzing. It actually is now. I start reflecting on everything I have said to everyone during the day, and I process it. I listen to a lot of slow music at night, it helps me concentrate and relaxes me a bit. I think about the future. I try to keep that positive outlook even though sometimes it’s the hardest thing to do. But then I remember tomorrow is a new day.

Arielle said 10 years, 2 months ago:

Dear night owls,

Mm. Im a morning person so a lot of my thinking and dreaming and planning happen in the day time (when my awareness and energy is at its peak). So…. At night… Im tired out from draining my energy through the day and completely exhausted.
What runs through my mind as i lay awake on the bed?
Reflective thoughts.
‘Was what i did or said today right?’
‘Was there a better way?’

Those are about it…. :)

Take care night owls!

S said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I make up movies in my head and ‘watch’ them in my head until I fall asleep. Sometimes I even re-watch them or turn them into series. Lol.

ImaginaryAir said 10 years, 2 months ago:

I get really depressed at night most of the time and just want to talk to people about random things. I think about things too much and overreact about the thoughts.

It’s kind of sad, really.

Deleted User said 9 years, 5 months ago:

You know when at night many people usually Over thinking… thinking about the life.. about the past.. about our love or something like that..And then we will cry. But i really hates when i thing too much and keep blaming myself. It’s such a worse feelings ever.