Lauren said 10 years, 1 month ago:

WHY would you include her in it?!?! WHAT has she done that is so AWESOME that she gets included? She is a needy little piece of work that is USING my parents because she doesn’t like the relationship she has with hers. You want help? Fine! Talk with my parents. I’m not saying you can’t. But do you have to come over EVERY DAY?!

Oh, she and my brother are ‘special’ friends. Ooh. Like he hasn’t had THOSE before. He’s serious about her? Um, that’s the EXACT same thing he said about the LAST THREE girls. So excuse me if I don’t bend over backwards for her.

But no. Final straw? She isn’t one of “the kids”. I don’t care what you say. Until she has an effing ring on her finger and the certificate to go with it, she’s just an annoyance.

And know what? The LEAST you could do is listen to me, not ignore me. I am TRYING to get along with her, but you are NOT her parents. But of course, HER feelings matter more because “She needs someone”. Uh, so do I, except my someones are busy with her.

She isn’t your daughter, I am, and I have spent years trying not to be a stereotypical self-obsessed teen but I want at least a little bit of my parents for myself. Why can’t I HAVE THAT? Why do I have to be the bad guy here?