Kirstin Lopez said 10 years, 4 months ago:

If we could carefully base our lives on things that are not temporary, we could find so much peace in every minute. Something every soul wants is to have something to hold onto. But sometimes we hold on to things that make us feel miserable.

When we base out happiness, measure our value and center our lives around things that could be gone tomorrow, we feel a sense of panic all the time, because we know those things could vanish. When we place all of our value on our looks, money, what people think of us, out titles, and other things that are out of our conrol, life can feel pretty shaky and it can be near impossible to find peace in our hearts.

Truth never changes. Truth never goes away. When we focus on the truths that are deep inside of our hearts that no one can ever take away from us, we can finally rest in those truths and not try so hard to hold onto senseless things.

Hold on tight to what you know to be beautiful and true. Love your friends, spend time learning, do things for others without expecting anything in return. Simplify. Focus on the things that you can control like your attitude, what goes on in your mind and body, the people you spend time with, etc.

Life is meant to be beautiful and peaceful, but it takes some practice, dear friend! It is worth the practice. it is worth letting go.

You are so loved.