Why would my puppy become ferocious at night?


I’m know I’m kinda desperate for an answer here, but why would my puppy become more vicious at night?

She’s pretty ok during the day. A little rough, and mischievous, but generally just acts like a typical growing puppy.

She’s currently an indoor dog, but we’re gradually working on moving her outside

She’s usually pretty ok after sundown,and actually gets kinda cuddly and affectionate. But after she goes into her crate on her own, its a whole different story. She snarls,growls and snaps at anyone who dares to bug her or disturb her in the slightest. Especially if you’ve woken her up. She will bite , and has broken skin on someone before.

And the next morning she’ll be as perky and friendly as can be, with no signs of how she acted the night before

Her crate is usually just where she sleeps. We have fed her in there, and she has a small plastic bowl in her cage. During the day she allows us to mess with the crate, and its contents,but not at night.

She is about 6-7 months old, is a German Shepherd/Border Collie/ Australian Shepherd mix. She hasn’t gone into her first heat yet. And is unfixed

Why would she get like this at night only? And what can we do? My family doesn’t want to turn her over to the pound.

Category: Tags: asked March 15, 2015

1 Answer

Dogs don't have as good of eyesight in the dark as people often presume. Being in the dark can make dogs feel very vulnerable. It sounds to me like your dog is trying to protect the house and his territory and is becoming vicious when he gets spooked.
Might be helpful to leave on a night light where your dog is and also to make sure any people entering where the dog is at night speaks to the dog before entering so the dog is aware who it is.
You mentioned the dog is in a crate, is he locked up in this crate? Being locked up can also make the dog feel vulnerable, and they are like humans when feeling vulnerable or scared there fight or flight reflex kicks in.
Try and make the dog as comfortable as possible and hopefully this will help with the problem. Best of luck.