Why can’t I want to stay medicated?


so, i’m 17 years old, and i’m schizophrenic. I was diagnosed two years ago, and it took them two years to stabilize me. Now, my meds take away every symptom of schizophrenia. But ever since, I’ve wanted to always go off my meds. I was just so much happy before I got on them. My life was so much more interesting, because I would put myself out there and actually do stuff. Now, I don’t do anything, and I just read somewhere that antipsychotics can make you not want to do anything, as ridiculous as that sounds, so now I’m tempted more than ever to go off my meds, and I think I’m going to. I talk about it with my therapist almost every time I go which is once a week. and I think I’m going to do it this time. but why can’t I be happy being sane? I just have to start doing stuff, but no, my solution is to go crazy -.-

Category: Tags: asked May 23, 2013