What is the best way to feel better?


It really sucks, i have almost no friends and everything makes me uncomfortable. I hate going places because most of my generation are all about sex, drugs and alchohol and I’m not about that haha. All my friends talk about is the girls the had sex with and i honestly couldnt care less because, as douchy as this sounds, i respect women and am more of a relationship kinda guy. I dunno i just want to feel better but everything i’ve tried doing just makes me feel worse, any ideas?

Category: Tags: asked September 26, 2013

5 Answers

You can let your friends know that your not into taking about women as sex tools. I'm sure they can find other things to talk about. No friends thing can be fix by being more active. If your in high school join a sports team or band or something like that. College, join a club. I'm in three clubs right now. THese are great why to meet and socialize with people. You seem to be more mature than your friends, at least in the relationship stand point.
Dude, you seem like a pretty good person. Yeah, there are a lot of people out there who aren't the greatest. I hold the same beliefs as you, though, and I've found myself with some of the greatest friends I could ask for. Don't worry about what you have to do to be happy. Just go with whatever you want to do. If you keep on that path you want to be on, you'll find happiness and the right people in time. Trust me. :D
I agree, you should look into finding some more friends that have the same interests and ideals as you. You may be feeling a little depressed because you are surrounding yourself with people that are obsessed with stuff you don't even care about so you may have trouble relating to them. If you hang out with people that have more in common with, it would be easier.
I don't think you should feel bad about yourself because just by this post i saw some great things about you. You're clearly not a douche for saying you could care less about the guys talking about their sex life. I honestly hate that stuff too because not only do they disrespect girls but they also made themselves look like a downgraded, lowlife dingus. It's nice to hear a guy wanting to be in a settle relationship and wanting to treat girls with respect and not treat them as objects. I think its totally fine with not wanting to be in situations you're not comfortable with because I have friends who only likes to drink and party but i don't so i just go chill with my other friends who arent into those stuff. I'm pretty much a solo person most of the time so i don't really have a group of friends i'm always around but what i do is bounce around and hangout with friends depending on what they're doing. I'm really bad at making new friends or socializing so i don't really make new friends that much but what made it easy for me is have your friend you're comfortable with introduce you to their friend who they think would make a great friend for you. I'm sure by doing this it'll create a chain reaction and you'll meet people more easily!
I think the best thing to have, is someone who listens to you regardless the subject. Being Asian, our culture is a more reserved than the Western culture.So sex and drugs aren't really a big thing. I may not be the best person to give you advice, but i'll try my best. Find something you enjoy doing, cycling, writing poetry or drawing. Personally, i like running and cooking so it helps me feel better. There are days when i succumb to pressure and self-harm, but i'm happy to say self-therapy helped a lot.If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always message me on here. I'd be happy to make new friends and talk to people around the world. Hope it helped! x