To trip or not to trip


My friends and I have been planning a road trip across the US/Canadian border to go down to Chicago. These plans are about a year old, as we planned to go last year, where much to the chagrin of my friends, my girlfriend stubbornly refused to go.

Now at the very least I possess a somewhat disposable income, and no anchor. The plan is to go for 4 days, with two days being expended in travel (there and back).

Now here is where it gets dicey: I am already in debt in several minor ways, and although I may get the money I would need to go on such a trip, it would leave me in want for quite some time. It would deplete funds for various other activities and purchases I have been hoping for throughout this summer. That said, I know this trip means a lot to the friend organizing it. Truth to be told, this whole ordeal sounds like quite the adventure, and maybe my summer could use some adventure. Chicago is a MUCH bigger city than the one I inhabit, and I have no doubt whatsoever that it would be an eye-opener.

Thus is my dilemma. Do I act with complete responsibility and conserve my somewhat limited funds, missing out on a possible escapade? Or do I damn the consequences and rush off, very possibly reaching difficulties upon my return? It feels like both options are EQUALLY unappealing, and that no matter what I choose I will suffer regret.

I would appreciate any insight possible.

Tags: asked June 8, 2013

3 Answers

You have the answers locked up in you. Ask your self What do I want ? Why do I want It.? How do I want to feel ?Go with option which gives you the maxium Joy.You will make the optimum decision.Cheers
You could save some money, maybe take a side job to help. Or maybe you can borrow it fom a relative. The tip sounds like a lot of fun!
go dammit go !