To stay or to leave?


My boyfriend and I have been dating for a over a year now. Lately we have both been super busy and its impossible to have time for each other. On top of that he has been very snappy towards me and has a bad attitude and when i told him about it he said LOL. Nothing about this is funny so I told him I need a break from his for a while. I can’t stop thinking about him though, and on top of it all Prom is in like two weeks. But then my best guy friend in the world has been talking to me and he has been really sweet to me during my boyfriend and I’s break but now I’m scared that I am going to catch feelings for my best friend because we used to date and hook up like 2-3 years ago…What do I do? I dont think I’m ready to let go of my first love but I don’t know how to get through to him and I don’t know what to do about my best friend also. Brandon is my best friend and Derek is my boyfriend…help!!!

Category: asked April 5, 2015

2 Answers

The best advice someone gave me is it takes more time for the heart to realize what the brain needs. it seems to me like perhaps you are more in love with the memories of Derek than Derek himself. Has he tried reaching out to you whatsoever? Also DO NOT immediately go after Brandon. I promise you will regret it. you need to give the whole Derek thing more time. plus what happens if you decide to hook up with Brandon and then get back with Derek, then you lose your best friend and im sure Derek wont be happy when he hears about it right?
If he isn't willing to listen and make this better, I honestly don't see the point. Sorry to be blunt, but relationships are two way. No matter how hard one tries, if the other side doesn't give in the same effort, things will break. Try talking to him calmly about how you feel and how serious this is. If he isn't willing to understand that, then I think it's best you end things. As for your best friend, treat him nicely and just keep being friends. If you do realize you Like him, give it some time. Make sure. If you're still sure, don't get together as soon as you break up. Give it some time, think things over, enjoy being single, let this blow over. But honestly, sometimes, when your relationship isn't workig well and someone else gives you care and attention, you might feel like you like the person. However, it's usually just temporary and a friendly thing that you'll probably get over. So yeah, try talking over with your bf. And maintain your friendship with your best friend. I know prom might seem like a big deal, but you could always go with a group of friends or your best friend or even someone else if you really want to. Goodluck.

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