my crush is going abroad for university?


Hey reader, okay so my crush is moving abroad for like 2-4 years and yes, I’ve already told him how I felt but he rejected me, I think he liked someone else. But yeah, he’s going away tomorrow and I don’t know how to control my feelings like I’ve already been rejected by him, how the heck do I try to forget about him?? I’m just going to be all depressed and stuff. Besides, I’ve liked this guy for like 3 years straight and now he’s moving away for uni and I’m so sad I can’t even focus on college like this is totally messing with my lifestyle! I kind of obsessed with him and ughhh I hate myself for liking a guy THAT much :( please give me advice as to how to cope with his moving away and how I can stop liking a guy who I have no chance at ALL with?!?!?!?!? I hate life!!!!!

Category: Tags: asked September 25, 2014

2 Answers

Hello! Well I think him being away might help the process of moving on. Getting over someone is really hard, but it's a part of life and there'll always be a lesson at the end of it. Try and remember that if it's meant to be it'll be. Don't be afraid to be sad, and to miss him, but remember there will come a day when you'll be okay. It'll all be okay in the end and if it's not, it's not the end! You can do this, it might be hard but you'll come out stronger and maybe you'll meet someone new in the process, or maybe he'll confess his true feelings, who knows! Keep an open mind and remind yourself that it's only temporary. I'm always here if you need to talk or anything. Lots of luck and love!
you will get over it once he's been far away for a while. For now, try to think about every little thing you've ever disliked about him, even if it's really superficial. Like have you ever seen him be rude to anybody (especially his parents or service people)? does he have greasy hair? does he have bad fashion taste? that time he smiled and had broccoli in his teeth? etc... just tell yourself he's repulsive whenever you start daydreaming about him. It's kinda mean I guess, but I used to have problems with obsessive crushes (though usually only lasting a few months each, not years), and this is a really effective technique to frame him as "neutral feeling" or "unattractive" in your mind.

Remember it's all in your head so you can think whatever you like, but this obsession is unhealthy. Thinking "he's gross and dumb" is just a tool to help you get control over your mind. I know how horrible these obsessive crushes can be for mental health, absolute torment. So I think it's important to do whatever you can to break yourself free of the crush.