Let go of my relationship or continue trying?


Hi. I’m currently in a relationship with a boy one grade above me. We started dating in September 2014, which makes this month our sixth, my longest relationship. Things were perfect until around January things started going down. I’m not sure the starting point but everything would upset me, and eventually i even began liking another guy who i liked for a long time before my boyfriend. I lost it one day and broke up with him in the middle of school one time and planned with the other guy to date ( i had texted him the day before and told him i liked him and he said he liked me too ) but i became quite sad again and realized i needed my boyfriend and the other guy wouldn’t work out. So i simply told my (ex) boyfriend what was wrong and then we talked about it and got back together but recently i have been very done. I only see him a couple minutes during passing period every day since we are in different grades and he has been staying after school every day and hasn’t been able to text me much but he keeps promising that in a few weeks he will start going home again instead of staying after for his meetings. Not only that but i also found out he likes another girl. He claims its not enough to do anything but i still feel horrible every time i see her (which is every day in my band class). Also he is texting her a lot but in a different language using google translate. I just find this weird.. I’m just feeling more upset than happy recently and i don’t know what to do. I love him and he loves me, and i don’t want to loose him, but sometimes it feels like i already am. What should i do?

Category: Tags: asked March 20, 2015

1 Answer

Wow, sounds like you have some options. First, as with anything in life that is successful there was a plan in place. Relationships don't work simply because we want them to. There is growth, communication and the most intrusive can be life itself. I think you are still discovering yourself and making your plan. Once you know what you want, finding another to explore that journey with you will prove more rewarding....