Is it still sexual assault?


I just recently remembered -whether or not I had repressed this memory I don’t know- when I was younger I had a sleepover with a friend. They told me they wanted to show me some ‘things’ and they pressured me into letting them do those things and then made me do them, despite me saying I was uncomfortable with what we were doing. Considering the fact I never did give full consent (i.e. yes I want to do this) I was wondering if it counts as sexual assault. We were young so it wasn’t anything too serious but I just…am mildly unsure if it could be counted as sexual assault, it was sexual in nature and I didn’t agree wholeheartedly to any of it but I’m not sure it would be called sexual assault. The name simply seems a bit too serious.

Category: Tags: asked October 22, 2013

4 Answers

It is hard to tell, after a long time of thinking and searching about what should I name what happened to me I realised it really didn't matter, because the only thing that matters is if it affected you somehow, if not (which I hope) just leave it alone.
"For many years, I shut down that place inside myself that needed to rage, cry, ask questions and basically just express herself. I made a conscious choice when I put 'Me and a Gun' on the record not to stay a victim anymore."

Often, Most people that go through such an experience simply roll into a ball and stay there forever. Our expressions of our experiences, often is simply to bottle them up. What many fail to realize however, is that overtime you are bound to explode once the pressure builds up.

Personally I don't see myself as I wizard, thus I don't have a spell or a magical potion to cure everyone's problems.

That being said, Abuse is simply "Abuse" no matter how much you cover it up by using false terms such as "Games". Any individual who is touched, in a method that does not give his/her consent is deemed to be "Sexual Harassment" and falls under the category of Sexual Assault/Abuse.

What's important now, is to communicate what you experienced to the proper legislation. Wether that maybe a community service support program, or other close family members. It's important to find the help you need to deal with such a situation that took place.

"I can show you the door, it's up to you to walk through it".

Best of Wishes To Ya!
I honestly know exactly what you're talking about, but I don't think I would call it sexual were young and I'm sure they were too. If it really gets to you maybe you should talk to somebody about it. But like I said, I wouldn't really think of it as sexual assault. It just depends on how harsh it was, its up to you to call it what you will.
I would absolutely call it sexual assault. Even if you had consented by saying "yes," the person manipulated you into showing them things you didn't want to. Granted, you two were young so their intentions were probably based more on curiosity than something harmful. Regardless, you did something sexual that you were uncomfortable with. That is sexual assault.