Is it normal that I’m 19 and have never been kissed or even been on a date?


I’ve heard everyone close to me say “It’s fine” or “It’s ok” but I keep feeling like there’s something completely wrong with me and I just want to know if anyone else can help me.

Category: Tags: asked November 6, 2013

6 Answers

It is common to think that you are behind when you compare yourself to others. My friends has a boyfriend/girlfriend or everyone else has one. That is one of the biggest problems. The thing is you are not those people and those people are not you. Disney makes everyone think that falling in love and being romantic is an easy thing and everyone should be born with the knowledge of how to do that. That is wrong. Dating and kissing is really hard and most importantly it takes a lot of time. I would say wait, slow down, because you would probably rather have a longer, stable relationship than a temporary one. Things do happen all in good time.
There's nothing wrong with being 19 and not being kissed or being on a date! You just have to find the right person that you believe you'll always be with, or some people just think being single is best since you would never get hurt by a partner. Don't think nothing is wrong with you, hun.
totally it may seem abnormal because everyone just looks like they have been with someone or are with someone, but it's more common than you think and normal. I'm 22 and I haven't done any of those things and I've seen and heard so many people say the same. It's fine and you really have nothing to feel bad about.
normal is such a stupid word. forget about what's considered normal if you can - it's not important. everyone is normal in the fact that different things all happen at different times for everyone. don't rush into dating and kissing and the like - let it happen at it's own pace.
Everyone here is right. It's normal. Even if it wasn't, all the better. Normal doesn't get things done.
It's totally fine. I used to think the same thing - that something was wrong with me. But these's nothing wrong with me, and there's nothing wrong with you either. It just hasn't happened yet. No big deal. It will happen eventually. Just keep your eyes and options open, and wait in hope <3