Is being gay a sin?


God made me who I am but the world looks at me like I caused and chose this. What am I supposed to do sleep with girls even if I don’t like it?

Category: asked November 14, 2013

24 Answers

Well this just brings up several things there buddy. Officially in the eyes of most religions yes being gay is a sin. But this is based off of old principles and religions are now starting to progress and realize the error in their ways. Now just because it's a sin in one persons eyes DOES NOT make it wrong. There is nothing wrong with being gay. To me religion and churches are nothing more than archaic pockets of criticism, tyranny and intolerance. That's just me though and my own personal view on how churches are this remnant of old bastards trying to obtain power and control the masses. If you come from a very religious and family structured culture then you will have some very very hard times in front of you trying to come out to them. A friend of mine he comes from a very Indian (dot, no feather) where there was an arranged marriage everything. It took a few years for his family to accept his choice but in the end it worked out because he gets to be who he wants to be and he enjoys a much more open and level relationship with his family. If you are religious and wish to maintain a personal relationship with god. Then I suggest you find a church... mostly nondenominational churches will do... that accept being gay is not a sin. These churches have progressed farther than your general denominational churches. So don't feel bad or weird that you like guys. Just because a few bastards that aren't able to open their mind and heart to accept new things doesn't mean you should let that get you down. There is a huge community here and probably locally as well that is more than willing to help you, talk to you and listen to you. Feel free to reach out and ask us anything! I hope this helps at least a little.Take care! Lioncourt
The Ancient Romans (as well as other ancient cultures) - the guys in charge before England and Christianity came along - didn't think it was a sin. They, in fact, embraced it. (Then again in Spartan society, women could be land owners and vote and have money back then as well as get married and divorced without incident).

Society took a major backslide when Christianity came to power and they've tried to smother and repress everything and everyone that doesn't conform to the ideals they set forward. Just because they deem something right or wrong doesn't mean they know best.

The ideals they try and instill in everyone are not all bad, though. Grandfather was a pastor for most of his life and he was never in our faces about our beliefs - or lack thereof. He just taught us to always do right by others, not to steal and cheat and lie... golden-rule kinds of things. You don't need to be a Christian to have a conscience.
I can't believe the number of ignorant people who actually believe a life choice is some hypothetical 'damning' act?! I like watching fantasy series.. Its not publically known but i'm not ashamed, it's just something I like and it makes no sense for someone to take offence to that! You live once, do what you like, some people will always find a problem with someone if they want to - sexuality is no different to dress-sense or music choice.. Religion shouldn't even come into it, it's there to set morals and tolerance and if it does that through 'damning' certain choices then i'd question how it's being interpreted.
In the bible it states homosexuality is a sin.but it really depends on your own beliefs. The bible also states that having sex before marriage is a sin and that you cannot get married in the Catholic Church if your not a virgin but people do that everyday. (Masturbation and having sex besides the purpose of having kids is also a sin people do that all the time anyways.) So it really does not matter wether or not is a sin.
As a Christian, being gay IS concerned a sin. But EVERYONE sins. Some guys watch porn (which yes, is a sin) some people lie, some people cheat, some people kill. The bottom line is, don't beat yourself up over it. God created each and every one of us with tons of love, but also with free will. He knew that we were born to sin and that's why he sent jesus down. I can't tell you the solution, but I know you're not a bad person. And god does NOT hate you. I'm struggling with my own sins myself, as is everyone else. The best thing you can do is pray, and know you're loved no matter what. If you ever need to talk i'm here :)
being gay is not a sin! your not gonna go to hell just cause you like kissing some dude, no God you that way, me made you you're own person. people say stupid stuff like that cause that don't understand how love works. they think love only works with a man or a woman...there wrong. it works for everyone. your not gonna go to hell just cause you like men! if that's the case why would God make you gay?
If one looks into Christianity about sexuality, being gay is not a sin, its gay sex that we have a problem with. Technically, if Gay marriage was given a different name and the grooms did not have sex, the Catholic Church would (should) have no problems with it.
Being gay isn't a sin. As far as I see things, people don't choose who to be attracted to. They just are. Being gay is just as natural as being straight. And there are many people that believe in God, but accept everybody. You're not doing anything wrong, and you really shouldn't feel like you are. Just because there are prejudiced people doesn't mean you should change how you are. The religious people that are intolerant are sticking to dusty societal norms from ancient times.Many things that the Bible says are things you would never see today because of the progression of time and the greater insight that people today have about the others around them. Anyone trying to conform you is just twisting the words of an old text just so they have an excuse to be ignorant.You don't have to sleep with girls any more than a straight person has to sleep with the same sex. God wouldn't put that burden on his children: one of eternal unhappiness. It's not something that needs to be 'fixed.' You should just live your life as you are in your heart, and that will make you the happiest.
No, being gay is not a sin. The reason it was turned into one back in the olden days is because they didn't understand it and thought it was the actions of the devil causing man to be confused. But that just goes to show how open minded the catholic priests were when they were forcing Christianity down everyone's throat.
If it is a sin, it doesn't matter. Just do what makes you happy and make sure you live a happy life. You are you and do you (: there is nothing wrong with being gay and anyone who denies that is wrong.
Look, Listen.

I'll settle this, If you believe in religion ... In other words ehm...

Then, Defiantly you will be smitten.

If you don't... Then I guess you can have a cheeseburger or something.
Of chores its not a sin god did make you that way!!!
Well, people say it is, but as a bi person myself, people will accept it.
There is no such thing as a sin or a god. Enjoy your life being whoever you want to as long as it doesn't limit other peoples liberties and rights. Religions are one of the biggest evil in existence primarily for examples like yours. Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines, as we learn how the world around us works because this is basically what religions started as. A way for people to explain what they lacked the knowledge to understand the inner working mechanisms of the world around them. Everything they couldn't understand they assigned a supernatural property to it and it was immediately explained.
Look up the website!! It's made by a gay man who who is also Christian. He's really done his research in the Bible and links all of his sources. It's a really brilliant website that examines all if the homophobic nonsense and in the Bible and completely explains away all if this "being gay is a sin" crap. It's very interesting, and pretty much proves that no, being gay is not a sin, not even according to the Bible! Also, don't let anyone tell you who you should be or that who you love is wrong. Love is never a bad thing! :) I'm not personally religious but if you are I am so happy for you and don't let any of that haters ruin your religion for you with homophobic comments! I hope you have a lovely day and that his helped. :)
Well, the world is not your judge. There will always be critics - no matter what you do, no matter who you are. Some people believe it is genetic but others don't. If you want to know how God feels/thinks about something I always just say ask him for yourself (if you believe in him). And no, you're not just supposed to sleep with females even if you don't like it. But then I don't believe you have to have sex with someone in order to love them but that's another topic.
I feel that being gay is not a sin.
religious beliefs are created by human beings passed down in text. They're on Egyptian walls and other cultures used similar pictographs to express their religious and spiritual beliefs. The story of Noah and the Flood in the Bible is said to be a plagiarized version of The Epic of Gilgamesh, which was thousands of years before the Noah story of the Bible. People have logically connected other similar issues. I highly, HIGHLY recommend you listen carefully and soak this up:
No. You are amazing. Regardless of your sexuality, you are just as great as everyone else. Love who you love. Don't let others tell you differently. Remember that you are amazing.
Being gay is NOT a sin. You didn't choose this, you were made this way.