I’m not attracted to my bf!


My boyfriend Joe, is the closest thing I will ever have to a soulmate. He is so much just like, we have so much in common, and I am really in love with him, some days more than others … But because of his weight, I’m not psychically attracted to him. Should I break up with him over this, or does it just not matter?

Category: Tags: asked September 11, 2015

5 Answers

In the end the decision is yours, bear in mind the feelings that are compelling you to feel like this and consider if this is something you'd much rather discus with him to try and help change is weight. If not, then do what you think will be better for you.
I would suggest talking to him about it. Suggest helping him by going to the gym with him or walking to a park or something. If you feel that this is your soulmate you all will work together and overcome situations like that. Good luck.
I think it's unfair for him, he thinks you love him just the way he is, and you don't. I think you should think of all the reasons why you guys are together and ask yourself "is the weight THAT important?" if it is, be honest with him and break up. Honesty is the best policy
Just ask yourself, if you feel comfortable to him, I mean if you can trust and always depend to him when you're down or you need someone then he's always there for you. Though there are people who really have the attractions we're looking for, but it doesn't mean one of them is our soulmate. Acceptance is a word that fulfills our criteria, nobody is perfect after all. :)
There will be a lot of people that will say you're judgemental, and that it's unfair, but I know exactly what you mean. It isn't shallow or shameful to want to be with someone you find attractive. Sexual attraction is important too! If looks didn't matter I would probably have been in a relationship with my best guy friend for years now. Maybe I'm a bad person, but so what? At the end of the day it's you that will be in the relationship with him. Maybe you could suggest working out together, doing some fun excersise activities?