i dont think i deserve to be happy


I know most people will tell me I do deserve to be happy but I don’t think I do I feel like I don’t deserve to be happy and I don’t know why I feel like this

asked August 21, 2014

8 Answers

Happiness is a state of mind and definitely not something that you will just happen upon, you have to work on it and keep a positive mind frame. to be happy you need to be content with who you are and to do that you need to erase these horrible thoughts about yourself and you may think it's easier said than done but really it is only as difficult as you make it. If you start to think something negative about yourself make the effort to stop and list a few things you like about yourself. Start doing it as often as you can and not just with yourself but every time you find yourself thinking negatively turn it into something positive. You have to work towards being happy and in doing that you need to stop thinking of yourself as sad. xx
You deserve to be happy. It doesn't matter the circumstances we are going through.

If you hurt someone's feeling, should you be denied of happiness? Wouldn't you want to be given a chance again to cheer that person up? The chance to prove that you will not make the mistake?

Do not feel rejected by your failure in being happy. Failure is a apart of life and it forces us to go back to the drawing board to determine where did we go wrong.

Check out these articles

Do I deserve to be happy?

Also check out this one

How to Overcome Failure

Do not follow your feelings. They do not always tell the truth about ourselves.
It's every person's own responsibility to take action and do things that increases their positivity and happiness, to take an active role in making yourself happy. It's not something to simply be given, nor something that happens easily. It's a struggle, one that you keep facing everyday. But you do have a choice. Either choose to have a positive look on the day, to think about all the thing's that are good in your life and what you're planning on doing in the future. Or you can do the opposite. It's up to you. You, and you alone is the one that could make it happen.

As for your thoughts, why is it that you don't believe you deserve the same chance as anyone else to be happy? What's the reasons behind it? Finding out the cause, is a vital step to solving the issue. You can't decide the consequences, but you can chose what you do with what's left.

”In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.”
everyone deserves to be happy , dont be so hard on yourself
Life can be hard and tends to kick you when you're down. You are the only person in the world, though, who can decide how you feel. You are the only one who controls how you look at the things you go through and how they make you feel. Everyone deserves to be happy but I would venture to say that a lot of people feel the same way you do. I would try to just keep that in mind. If you can take control of how you think about everything you encounter you can change your outlook quite a bit. I know you can pull through. Hang in there!
I'll take a excerpt from a post I made on happiness here: https://blahtherapy.com/user-groups/philosophy-of-things/forum/topic/notes-philosophy-and-happiness/

The desire for happiness is proof that it is natural. Nobody desires to have a headache. You don’t wake up and say to yourself “I really hope to develop a nasty headache today.” You do not desire a headache because it is not natural. If you do develop a headache you desire to return to the natural state which is to be free of the headache. Everyone desires to be happy and you desire it because it is natural to you. Everyone else recognizes this as well. When you are happy no one approaches you to say “What’s wrong with you? You look happy… you’re smiling.” But people will approach you when you look miserable and ask “What’s wrong with you?” Everyone recognizes that there is something wrong with being miserable and nothing wrong with being happy.

If happiness is our nature then it must be simple… uncomplicated and effortless, like a natural smile. Now you can spot a natural smile and a forced one. If you have ever been in the company of someone who has told a terrible joke and you felt forced to laugh it is full of effort. A natural laugh has no efforts. So how can we say that happiness is natural and therefore effortless? In deep (dreamless) sleep everyone enjoys happiness. In deep sleep you make no efforts at all. No one wakes up saying “I’m exhausted from all this sleep.” It seems when we get rid of all efforts we are perfectly happy. Everyone wishes to sleep well. We all desire to have a nice bed… for the temperature to be right. We all want to be undisturbed because in deep sleep we all enjoy happiness. All we have to do is learn to manage our happiness while awake.

If happiness is natural then misery is unnatural. If happiness is effortless then misery is full of efforts. Controversial but you actually make efforts to be miserable. We think it is directly the opposite saying, “I work very hard to be happy.” The fact of the matter is it takes no effort to be happy. You can try this. Try to fall asleep and maintain your misery. As soon as you surrender all of your efforts the misery goes with it and you fall asleep. This is the marvelous thing about sleep is that it stops us making efforts. Everyone can enjoy happiness some of the time at least.

It is hard to believe that we would actually make efforts to maintain our misery but we do and it is out of ignorance. There is a story which is told of how you capture a monkey in India. If you are ever there and want a pet monkey… this is how you do it. You bury a long neck jar in the ground with the opening of the jar slightly above the ground. You then put some bait into this jar to attract the monkey. The monkey will be attracted to the food in the jar. When the monkey reaches his little hand in the jar to grab the meat his hand will become a fist. Because the fist will not make it past the neck of the jar the monkey screams because it thinks it is trapped. But the monkey isn’t trapped he just won’t let go. If he would only let go he would be free. Likewise if we would only stop making efforts to be miserable we would be happy. If you look at the world miserable you learn the short version is miser. What is a miser? A miser isn’t a person who has no money but has money and won’t spend it. A miserable person is one who’s happy but won’t experience it.

If you want to read more see the link at the top of this post.
You're even saying it yourself that people will tell you that you deserve it but you're not gonna believe them, that's the key, you're not gonna be able to be happy until you can convince yourself you deserve it. It's like accepting the love we think we deserve or people saying other people can't love you until you learn to accept yourself.. it's all about how you see yourself as a person. Work on making yourself see all the good things in your life and all the ways you improve it for everybody else.. Maybe thinking about how you make other people happy will get you more comfortable with the idea of your own happiness.
People don't deserve to be happy. happiness is a gift when we find it, like life is a gift. It's a really good gift, and we should keep it if we can. don't be afraid to accept a gift if you don't deserve it. that's why it's a gift, just to show you you are loved. what kind of thing do you feel? Tell me about it, if you want to