How should I take compliments?


So, theres this guy who says he likes me but im not sure if hes joking or not. he will call me pretty and stuff and i just kind of brush it off. i dont want to become attached to him and then he tells me he was joking. >.<

Category: asked May 25, 2014

6 Answers

Even if you are unsure if he likes you or not a compliment is a compliment. You should accept them. You can keep him at an arms length distance while accepting the nice things he has to say. Once you are more sure about him you can become closer or whatever you believe the next step in your relationship is.
I used to be terrible at accepting compliments, but then one day a friend of mine suggested me to smile and say thanks, even though I didn't really believe they were true (or, at least, I couldn't feel like they were really describing me). Thinking about it, it was actually the best advice I could receive. Even if you don't know if the person is mocking you or being really nice, smiling and saying thanks makes you a polite person and doesn't make you look like someone who is attention seeking by saying "no, it's not true, you're wrong, I'm awful" and so on. Moreover, if someone is making a mock-compliment, this person will not succeed in seeing you embarrassed.Oh, adding a counter-compliment is always a good strategy too (it makes you polite and kind, and it can help shift the focus on the other person if you don't feel comfortable being the centre of the attention).
Just smile and thank him (: just because you thank him doesnt mean youll be emotionally evolved. (:
I know exactly how you feel and I wish people would understand this more. It's not fun to be put in a position like that, especially if you are a guarded person. I always think when a guy is talking to me "what are you really trying to get out of this conversation?" or, " why are you pretending to like me?". If I were you, I would just say thank you. Or say something like, " I know!" if he says you're beautiful. Sometimes you have to fake it until you make it. I occasionally pretend to be more confident than I am, in the hopes that some day I won't have to fake it at all. Good luck!
I always found it hard as well to except anything nice being said to me,and thought people had rose cloured glasses on or something.
Till one day a friend noticed I brush things off and told me just to simply say thank you.
As hard as it was for me to do,I started doing so ,just a simple thank you,nothing else,and then after a while it was ok,i have been able to see people are being nice because they mean it.
may b he s a shy guy .he likes u and den afraid of losing ur friendship...he doesnt gets the courage 2 admit