How do I get over an ex whom I’ve hurt?


I have dated this guy for a few months 2 years ago. After a few months since we started dating, we began having huge fights every day. He doubted me a lot so after a few months I left him for another guy which was my biggest mistake. A few days after I left him I realised I wasn’t at all happy with the new guy, so I went back to him. He was still there for me, until after a week he left me all of a sudden. Ever since then I haven’t dated any other person, and I couldn’t get over him even after 2 years. HELP PLEASE??

Category: Tags: asked August 2, 2014

3 Answers

you very well could be in shock. you left thinking you could have a better relationship with someone else but when i didn't go as planned you realized you mistake and went back to him. he more then likely thought he could no longer trust you in the sense of have a solid relationship so he ended it himself. i think you need to over come the guilt you are carrying around with you in order to over come this part of your life, you hurt him and in turn he hurt you the only difference is he moved on and now its your turn both of you are even so there is nothing to hold on to right
Hello. Sounds like you feel very guilty over this. I would try to talk to him one more time if you feel he is so worth it. See if you can straighten things up? If he doesn't answer text, send an email. Treat it as a closing or goodbye. He has obviously moved on, not to be harsh. It may not have been nice, and trust me, I know exactly how you feel, but you tried to go back to him pretty quickly, and it didn't work out. I really hope you can get over him soon! He's taking over your thoughts to this point. Get out there, meet new people, and get over him! Sorry if that's harsh... All the best etc.
Acceptance, you need to take responsibility for what you did, though it wasn't intentional, you hurt him. And you need to accept that sometimes, however sorry you are, sometimes it just isn't enough. The relationship you had is over, and you need to forgive yourself for it. You care about him, and as hard as it is, you need to respect his choice, and let it go. The past is in the past, it's no point in living in the past, look forward.

We all make mistakes, no one is perfect, humans are full of flaws and errors, and this will undoubtedly not be the last one you make, and that's okay. That's how we learn. All you can do is apologize, and promise do to better next time. Don't be afraid of getting to know someone knew. I think that's where the real problem is, you haven't dated anyone because you don't trust yourself fully to not make that same mistake. There is a reason it didn't work out. It doesn't mean your doomed to never have a fair chance at a relationship.

You are the first priority, trust yourself. And then, allow at least the idea to let someone else in. If you never take a chance, you'll never know how great it could be.

I'd suggest writing a letter to him, you don't have to send it, just write it down, everything you wish you could say, get it all out and let it go. The choice has already been made, and you can only deal with the consequences afterwards. You both deserve to be happy. Don't ever think you don't deserve that, because you do, as much as anyone else. And while it may not be with him, it doesn't mean it could never happen.