Have I fallen out of love?


So my boyfriend and I have been together for 10 months now almost 11 but lately things have just been really off between us. I admit that I do love him and certainly care a lot about him. When he’s happy, I’m happy and when he’s sad I’m sad. But lately things have just been off. Our conversations have dwindled down to just small talk, we don’t make each other laugh as much, we just aren’t as happy as we used to be. We both feel like we’re annoying each other or that we’re getting bored of each other. But both of us say we’re not. We do admit we still love each other and want to be in this relationship together. It is a long distance relationship too which makes things a little harder. So any thoughts on how to fix this and make this all work out?

Category: asked May 24, 2015

4 Answers

As a person who has had quite a few long distance relationships I can tell you without a doubt that this is normal in its own rights. Truth be told long distance relationships are hard enough given you never get to see or touch the person your talking to, hang out with them, do things in person etc, etc. The reality is there is only so much talking you can do over the internet, and sometimes it does die down to where sometimes its hard to even hold a conversation for a good amount of time. Sometimes things can get stale but that is to be expected in any kind of relationship. As for how to fix things, I truly don't think things are broken, your just going through a small dry spell. Just keep talking to each other, find new ground, explore new areas of conversation, spark up the conversation again. You have both said you want to be in this relationship, so just keep working through it one day at a time.
That is just part of the process of learning to live with people. What you're going through is still the discovery part of a relationship. You still haven't fully gotten to know one another! You are learning more about each other's habits, minds, flaws and little annoying traits, so it is inevitable that you will reach points of contention.

Just give each other some space to cool off and then plan something fun to do together to take back the fun.

If you'd like to discuss this further, my inbox is always open at blahtherapy.com/members/blackholehead
I have dealt first hand with the long distance relationship thing, and I know 10 months is a commitment you must be very proud of. I had one for two years, and I have to say what you might not want to hear... If things are getting boring and you don't enjoy talking to him as much, then you may want to consider talking about taking a break with him, and see what life would be like without him. If you love him and he loves you, you should be able to talk about it without a large blowout argument happening. Inbox me if you want to talk to me about it :)
You two need to adopt a cat each, and trade cats every two weeks. This will teach to to nurture and be caring, force you to visit and talk about things, and a cat. It's purr-fect.