Does anyone else have or know someone who has what I call “Sleep Panic Attacks”?


When I say “Sleep Panic Attacks,” by this I mean does anyone find themselves being abruptly woke up by having a panic attack? I frequently have this problem and am curious if anyone else does and how they help treat it. 9 times out of 10 this is when my panic attacks occur is when I am sleeping.

Category: asked March 1, 2014

6 Answers

I've woken up plenty of times panicking but only once did I actually wake up with a panic attack. It happened to me during a time where I was constantly in a fatalistic and anxious state of mind and I couldn't let it out. Is there something happening in your life right now that puts too much stress on you? It could also be that you won't get them as often if you spend one hour before bed with low lights or doing something without any electronics. If you panic only after you dreamed, I'd say that it's a tell tale sign that you're bottling up or repressing too much or else it would happen during the day too. I suggest you pay attention to your stress levels during the day more and do something about them or at least acknowledge them and let yourself feel them. Cry if you have to, tears let out excess hormones. Try finding the cause of it during the day. Letting out stress in dreams is only temporary relief, if that something is overwhelming your body it will do it again.
It can help to find a sort of mantra to repeat to yourself. When you're having one of these attacks, if you can say to yourself something like "I'm going to be okay" or "This will go away" over and over, you usually start to believe it!
Sounds like it could be sleep paralysis, I'd look that up and see if matches any of your symptoms.
I've had it a few times, and it's always been inexplicable and horrible. What I normally do is lie on a cold surface, like the floor, and try taking deep breaths until it blows over.
Yes I have it. I'v heard when you.. "jolt awake" you stop breathing and your brain is waking you up. I'm not sure that's true, but most of mine happen when I'm falling in my sleep. I will get that feeling that you get on a roller coaster and I will awaken suddenly and feel my heart pounding quite fast. I try to have a glass of milk before I sleep and I also try to go to sleep happy, or with good thoughts in my head.
I had it a few times, one time on the night of my birthday when I was dreaming I was at my party and a demon strangled me with a blanked, and I stopped breathing. other than that, not really