Being friends means making the times joyful right?


I have this friend who lately has been rude to my friends and I. I’ve tried to talk to her and ask what’s been wrong lately but she just doesn’t tell me. On Saturday she flipped out on my friends calling them “stupid” “f***ed up” and “to suck her d***” (which seems odd since she is obviously a girl). But I have no idea what to do because I want to keep our group together and be friends again but no one is acting mature. I’ve asked my mother and all she says to do is talk to her about it but again, I’ve tried and it just doesn’t help. PLEASE HELP ME

Category: Tags: asked May 19, 2014

4 Answers

It sounds like your friend may be going through something right now that's causing her to lash out on the people she should be caring about. If sitting her down and talking to her isn't helping then maybe you have to get stern with her for her to actually listen. Whether something is going on in her life that she doesn't want to talk about or not, there's no excuse for her to be acting like that toward you and your other friends. It's wrong and very rude. Losing a friend is very hard, especially if you're really close, but if she doesn't come to learn that "friends" don't act like that toward each other, maybe you should let her go. If not permantently, then just for a little while to see if she stops. Personally, I don't think that's a very good friend at all, but I don't know her from a hole in the wall. If I were in that situation though, I would let her go. Good luck
If she doesn't want to talk then don't bring it up let her know that you're there for her and let her come to you. I'm currently having the same issue with my group
how old are you guys ? im not sure where you live but in California girls say that stuff sometimes too. but it doesn't mean theyre serious.. its kind of just an expression.. maybe you're just taking it a little too personal and your friend is just exaggerating and trying to seem funny (which it really isnt)
Try to distract her and take her mind off of her problems. Or you can talk about your own problems and open up to her, tell her something personal to let her know that you are trustworthy. Just try to get her to relax.