Ryan said 9 years, 1 month ago:

I’m seriously starting to just question everything at this point in my life.

Why should i bother trying as hard as i do? Why should i care? I’m losing every bit of my sanity and strength each day every time more and more problems arise, every time everything around me disappoints me.

I can’t do it anymore. Why the hell should anyone have to go through things like this?

It makes me sad knowing many probably have it worse too. I don’t know what to do anymore but i think fairly soon once i know for sure that i’ve lost those close to me i’ll have nothing to live for or nothing i want to live for.

Tired of trying. I still cannot believe how crap humanity is.

I know i probably sound whiny and over dramatic but it’s been this way for years now and it’s finally gotten to the tipping point where yet again i’ve been used, forgotten and abandoned like yesterdays garbage by family and those i love.

What am i supposed to do now?

JulsRomualdi said 9 years, 1 month ago:

You posted this a while ago and since then I hope things have gotten better for you (: I understand your frustration completely. But if you ever want to talk message me or kik me: boo_youjuls and I’d be happy to listen.

Ryan said 8 years, 12 months ago:

Things get better then get worse and worse then yet again it all seems alright and then it’s back to shit. I don’t know anymore, lost my father recently too and now i’m losing my girlfriend who I’ve had for 2 years.

Arkindaheart said 8 years, 11 months ago:

You have to accept the reality, that life is like that. It is never easy whether one has got everything or not. Life would pound on you no matter how weak you are or strong you are, the point is with that it will lead you to discover and find yourself. know where you stand and who you’re gonna be. I think we’re here for earth for a reason and that is because we are given the will to make a choice while living here, whether you go for good or the bad. Remember everything here is temporary, your suffering is temporary. Don’t just be beaten up with it or you’ll regret it later in life. Just enjoy and give more love to the world and it will return back to you multiple times.. God luck!

Das Omen said 8 years, 11 months ago:

I dont know what your situation is exactly but once the mind has convinced itself that everything is going bad , everything generally does go bad . Unfortunately in this world it’s way easier to be bad than it is to be good because goodness actually requires an effort, and so any system tends to go towards the least energy state and therefore it’s much more easier to be bad , evil, mean, sin and all these negative associstions than it is to be good, kind , warm hearted, sensible and control yourself, and now i guess you can see why there’s a reward for Good which is “heaven” and “hell” for the sinful . Religion is very much based on that concept. This is just to explain why humanity is the way that is. My best advice for you is to see the world in different colours, because never underestimate the power a positive thought has, it really does wonders, almost all mystic and religious schools of thought have stressed the importance of a positive thought, and what the mind can conceive and perceive , it can achieve.
Sorry for your loss btw.