Alexandria said 8 years, 9 months ago:

I don’t know how you did it. I loved you. I’ve cried for days on end for you. I’ve lost sleep over you. I’ve cut meals short for you. I went through all of this, acknowledging in the meanwhile that you never felt the same way. All I ever wanted to do was to hear your voice again, to believe that at some point, you really did love me. But the only thing you give me to believe is that it was all an act. All this time, you made me believe that I was precious to you. But I wasn’t. The other girls and I were just cattle to you. From what I know, maybe you did treasure me the most… But that’s only from what I know. But how could you have been so cruel to her? A young girl… Her first time? How could you do that to her? To me? Just what made you so cold…?

Humanist Hope said 8 years, 5 months ago:

Life is hard. It gets even harder when you encounter a sociopath who uses you and hurts people.