TurtleGirl20 said 10 years ago:

Why does society have to be the way it is. if you don’t have the “perfect” image in life then you are basically nothing. People in society these days expect you to just be perfect, on the inside and out. If you want to wear green socks to your knees, with purple shorts, and a bright orange shirt you should be able to, but society will degrade you for it. I am sick of being in a world where I can’t just be myself, and be the way I want to be because I would be looked down upon. I am not perfect but who is, I don’t have a boyfriend because I am not pretty but what is the definition of being pretty (trust me I have asked a lot of people to define it, and they can’t), I don’t have but 2 online friends because I am shy and fearful of everyone because I’m scared to be judged for the way I look, yes I’m fat but that’s because I ate one extra cookie instead of someone who doesn’t eat anything, I may not be the smartest person but do I go out and get drunk and high every night no because I have the smarts not to, I don’t have the best hair it’s always very frizzy but that’s cause I choose not to spend two hours in the bathroom everyday. See, I really am not a terrible, ugly, strange, or undateless person. But, with society I feel I should stay alone forever because people deserve to have a friend, someone that is better than me, and be better for them. I have social anxiety, and self esteem issues, and a few other things, all because of how society makes me feel like a piece of trash that belongs in the dumpster. Quite frankly, I am tired of being in a society where no one can appreciate the regular people in this world, I am kind, generous, and always willing to be there for someone. I guess no one else is willing to do the same for me, but that’s ok I always try to keep my head up no matter what I look like, or people think of me. The next time you see someone with extra weight, someone wearing clothes you wouldn’t wear, or hair you wouldn’t have, or even may talk funny, don’t judge them for it, instead appreciate their uniqueness.

Mahogany said 10 years ago:

The thing about society is that it consists of everyone, including you and I. That also means that people like us are more abundant than we realize. Some people hate fat people or skinny people or anyone different than them. But that doesn’t mean the majority believes all that.
You sound totally cool and should message me if you want :)

Caprielle said 10 years ago:

I feel you. Society sucks eh? Honestly, society is so fucked up. They always jugde you for who you are. But hey, you can ignore them. Don’t get affected of what they tell you bad. It’s the people who alwways have problems, no0t yours. Just do your own thing. I know some people there aren’t dickheads. You just need to find them tho.