dobigurl said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Ughhhh!!! My Roommate is at it again she’s driving me completely nuts! Granted I have been on edge lately and it seems like every little thing setts me off but this morning really pissed me off. Her dog just got spayed so I understand that’s shes a worried mom and doesn’t want her running around and stuff but she’s over the top ridiculous. I was in the kitchen taking care of things and I had the foster puppy with me who needs more direct supervison. So she comes in with her dog cause she wants to make breakfast. That’s fine. Whats not is that she then removes the puppy out of the room and puts her in the hallway with all the room doors closed so she can’t get into anything and can’t interact with her dog either. Puppy starts whinnying and acting up obviously. I ask her why it is that the puppy which needs more direct supervision can’t be in here where I am to watch her and her dog stay out there where she doesn’t need to be watched. She just needs her cone on so she can’t pull her stitches out. Her:”well I don’t want her jumping up and down off the beds”
Me: ” well if the doors are closed like you have for the puppy she wont be. She’ll just sit by the gate and watch us.”
Her:”no, she’ll get upset and whine.”
I’m just thinking ok so its not ok for YOUR dog to whine but its totally ok for the foster dog to cry.

That’s totally wrong. So I then stop what I’m doing in the kitchen so I can go entertain the foster and she stops me and is like “o can you go do something for me.” I wanted to tell her off so bad but that wouldn’t get us anywhere. So i just listened to the puppy scream while I helped her get ready to leave.

She’s so frustrating. She ALWAYS puts her dog first. We are suppose to be fosters which means you treat the foster as if its your own!

The other thing that ticked me off was the other day I was skyping with my mom to wish her a happy birthday. My roommate comes into my room and interrupts me saying “Hey I know you are skyping with your boyfriend but can you come sit with my dog while I take care of things in the kitchen”

1. I never interrupt her when she is skyping with anyone. It’s rude to interrupt people.
2. Even if it was my bf that’s no excuse to interrupt us. Especially since I’ve even talked to her about it before letting her know its not ok and that it upsets my bf and I when she does it.
3. Why do I always have to drop everything to go help with her dog but shes complains if she ever does anything (reluctantly) for our foster.

If I would have known that her getting a dog would have changed so much about her I would have told her I wasn’t comfortable with it. Things were so much better before when we were just fosters.

Feeling frustrated. I just hate that she can’t even see how biasis she is.

dobigurl said 9 years, 3 months ago:

Also her dog is currently sitting right next to her and whining so whats the difference of a few more feet.