Cinnamon said 9 years, 4 months ago:

Im just so done with not knowing who I am, being someone I’m not even if I don’t know who I should be in the first place! Im lonely, im stressed, im exhausted, im always hungry, and its so hard try to get my shit together when I don’t have any motivation! I just wanna start over, figure out who I really am and try new things! I wanna have fun and live my life to the fullest, taking risks and not being afraid.
Screw my dad, screw my friends who judge me for trying to be myself, screw my weight, screw people who don’t understand that people go through crap every day… People that don’t deserve any of it and just need someone to tell them that everything is gonna be ok and hug them and comfort them. That’s who I wanna be, if im gonna be anything. I wanna be that person that makes people’s days and understands and listens and cares. The world needs more people like that.
I like this venting thing by the way…really helps me clear my thoughts, and maybe ill actually be able to go to sleep tonight:)

Clear Sky said 9 years, 4 months ago:

I know how it is to need to vent! Hope you sleep well! :)