Deleted User said 10 years ago:

Eh, I was just thinking about how fast my brother in law is moving in his relationship. He literally met this girl in November, dated her that same month, goes out with her everyday, and they just got engaged last Saturday, now she’s talking about getting married in June when he just told me that he doesn’t like how she treats him in front of me and her clinginess. Practically begging for advice on “girls” when he’s a 30 year old man. It kind of makes me feel crappy and concerned for both parties.

In my opinion, I would never in a million years move with someone that fast. That’s just not my thing, not how I grew up or whatever. I take marriage so seriously because it’s something meant to last “death do you part” and it’s not just “I love you let’s get married it’s a wrap”. It takes a lot of strength to keep it strong.

Is it just me being old fashioned or, as my other brother in law likes it call it, “old”? Any opinions out there?

Strawberry said 10 years ago:

I totally agree with you on that one. I’d never move on that fast either. marriage has started to seem under rated these days in my opinion. :|

Nicole Pham said 10 years ago:

I agree with you. I think that their marriage will have difficulties, like all marriages in general but this may be really difficult after they’ve lived together and found out more things that they do not agree about. I wish them all the best though! My friend and I spoke about marriage after 3 months of dating, but it’s been 3 years of being together and we are still learning from each other, loves takes time. Do not rush! Great things take time! You are right, it does take strength to keep a marriage strong. It takes understanding each other and accepting the other person exactly as he or she is.

Deleted User said 10 years ago:

Its his decision/mistake, only way he will learn is if he makes it, if you stop him now, I guarantee he ll make same mistake in future, and you might not be there that time.
Give your opinion, its his life thou

Erin Batchler said 10 years ago:

Nope, I got married after 2 weeks and we have been married going on 7 years now, everything is completely perfect. :)

Viscaria said 10 years ago:

I don’t think it’s a good idea. Though it can possibly still go well, it isn’t exactly an entirely wise decision anyway.

Humanist Hope said 10 years ago:

The rushed relationship and worries of mistreatment are two earmarks of an abusive relationship.

It would be prudent to advise your brother to wait. If she can’t handle waiting to get married, then she may not be stable enough to BE married.

Tell your brother that NOBODY has the right to mistreat him and he shouldn’t put up with mistreatment from anyone, no matter how deeply he cares for them. Besides, if she loved him, she wouldn’t mistreat him and therefore he wouldn’t be worried about it.

MrNoBreaks said 10 years ago:

Your concern is completely legitimate. Being madly in love with someone and choosing to marry them is just that, mad. However, it can work for some, but the odds are your brother isn’t that lucky. Especially if there’s already problems in the relationship. Neither has learned much about the other. Best not to force commitment!

jordan2198 said 10 years ago:

If you think that you really love him and you want to spend the rest of your life with him, then I say go for it. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s too soon unless of course you agree with them. If you’re hesitant about getting married this soon, then I’d say wait a little longer. However, it really isn’t 4 months – you still have to wait months usually for the actual wedding!

GracJack said 10 years ago:

People say it takes 4 YEARS to really get to know someone and its true, you don’t know everything about someone in 4 months. If my calculations are correct that means 44 more months to get to know this girl. That’s what I go by.

Manic Chocolatier said 10 years ago:

They say it takes 2 years to really know someone.