Marapara said 9 years, 8 months ago:

Today is a beautiful day. It’s sunny, warm, dry, and barely any wind at all. The picture-perfect autumn day. And what am I doing? I am in my bed, right by the window, with a bag of mini Chips Ahoy cookies. I am sitting here consumed by the crippling fear that by doing this I am wasting my entire life, and I will not have anything to look back on when I am older. Sure, I’ll be able to look back on the places I’ve traveled and the people I love, but I feel like right now I am not doing anything productive. I am simply wasting my time and wasting my life. Mom said to get out and do something. First of all, there’s no one to go with. And here’s what’s so frustrating: yes, I’d feel less like I was wasting my life/time if I went somewhere WITH someone, but I don’t necessarily want to do something with another person, but at the same time, oh God, I do. My problem is I get tired of some people too easily, but then if I go alone I remember that I won’t have any close friends to look back on these college days with. I’m scared. I’m scared that my life is being wasted as the sun comes through the window.

PulseNormana said 9 years, 7 months ago:

You appear to know what you want, but not how to get it. Set some goals for yourself, one of the easiest ways to do this is to keep a a daily log. I personally carry a small notebook with me that details everything about my day. I start from the moment I wake up, and detail the major keypoints, such as: breakfast-9am, shower 9:30am, leave for class 10:30am, etc. etc. I also put in things I would like to do, but aren’t exactly necessary, or that I might not have the time to do. So something like going to get a massage, meeting a friend for lunch, or talking to that cute girl in my Spanish class. At the end of the day, I check off everything I’ve accomplished. This lets me know how well I’m doing the things I want/need to do, and how I can improve. This could be an idea for you.

Deleted User said 9 years, 7 months ago:

“Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time”. You know who said that? John Lennon. Just do what you like, and if anyone tells you that “you can’t do what you please”, just remember – yes you can.