Johnny said 9 years, 9 months ago:

He just annoys me so much. Every motion he makes annoys the hell out of me.

In the morning, his process of eating a bowl of cereal takes about 30 minutes. It’s like some insane ritual. He uses the same bowl every day, and takes about 10 minutes to prepare it. He puts two types of shitty cereal in it, and then like, literally, half a cup of brown sugar. It’s like equal parts sugar and cereal. Then he will sometimes cut up fruit like excruciatingly slowly and add that. If he finishes preparing the bowl of cereal in less than 10 minutes it’s a god damn miracle. Then he slurps up the bowl in tiny noisy spoonfuls over the course of 20 minutes. Like. What? Omg. It is so annoying. Oh, and then he’ll take another 10 minutes washing the bowl and putting it away.

He seems to love to hover around any place that you want to walk, in your way, doing absolutely nothing.

Hearing him chew is like… getting punched in the soul. I can’t even eat next to him. I can’t do it.

He will randomly turn off the air conditioning, when it’s still hot as hell. Like… the criteria for what is hot remains the same at all times. Just set the temperature and leave it. It’s automatic for a reason.

His opinions and views on the world are just so dumb it’s hard not to laugh.

I don’t know whether his advice is more dumb, or more annoying.

I feel bad because he’s a stupid old man and deserves some sympathy, but I just hate him so much, I can’t stand it.

I’ve been waiting for him to get out of the kitchen so I can make myself something to eat without having to be in close proximity to him for like 45 minutes, but he seems to find an endless number of completely pointless and asinine things to do in there, all of which, of course, he will do in super slow motion. And just when you think he’s done – WRONG.

Soft Beast said 9 years, 9 months ago:

is there a back story behind all this hatred ? , i mean could what you worte be a cover up for something he did to deserve all these dark feelings towards him ? and btw i feel that way about some people , i’d like to slice/gut/cut/chop some people that i know .

Johnny said 9 years, 9 months ago:

No, he’s never done anything wrong to me other than annoy me on a daily basis.

Soft Beast said 9 years, 9 months ago:

It’s kinda weird that you hate for just being so old . he’s old , so he moves slow motion cause that’s the end of his healthy 100% body life , he’s brain doesn’t work the same as a young one , you’ll probably be acting the same as him when you get to his age . so figure out a solution to your hatred man cause it’s a problem , and i’m not judging you here , i’m expressing my opinion about the facts .
would you even feel sad if he dies ? how would you feel if one day your grandson hates you as much you do your grandpa now ?

bricheese said 9 years, 9 months ago:

I’ve definitely felt frustration towards my grandparents especially since they’ve lived with us for the past 6 years or so. It’s extremely hard, for my particular situation I had to be a caretaker since my grandma had a major stroke when I was a freshman in high school, the tables turned. Before, she was basically my mom since my own mother worked extremely late and often being a single parent and supporting 3 kids. My grandma is picky about food and needs things to get done when she wants them too so at times I felt like I wanted to rip my hair out and just yell at her. Now it’s been a lot easier for me since I go to college out of state so I’m not home that often, but I found that when I do feel frustrated I have to tell myself to not get angry or yell because she was frustrated with me when I was a kid. I don’t know your particular situation but you just need to practice some empathy, I don’t know if he lives with you, but it seems like it and I’m sure he’s extremely grateful even if he’s not vocal about it. Most people don’t care at all about their grandparents let alone have a relationship with them and you’ll be glad to be able to spend time with them while you still can. Again I’m assuming but I don’t think you hate him, just frustrated and it happens, it’s kind of like if you’ve ever been on an extended vacation with friends you start hating them towards the end because their quirks get on your nerves because you aren’t used to being around them so much, but of course you still like the person you just need some space. Since you seem to know his routine try to work around that, perhaps even offer to make breakfast for him if he takes too long in there.

Apillbox said 9 years, 9 months ago:

I have had similar irrational feelings towards my sister but looking back now I can clearly see they were based on logical things.

You most likely can’t pinpoint what the problem is because you lack life experience. There is a point that all children have to leave home and become a man.

You will find that after a long life changing journey you will look back and even laugh at how you were annoyed with your grandpa, and you might even understand exaclty why.

If i was to guess, i would say that you hate him because he isn’t even alive any more, he is just like a stupid robot going through the habitual motions of life.

If this is true use that knowledge as your fuel to POWER yourself to a better self state that will help you achieve GREAT things in life!

Strive to always be open minded unlike this old Amiga 5 and 1/4″ floppy who is addicted to sugar.

SimplyMiMi said 9 years, 8 months ago:

I also hate my grandpa…but i totally understand what they’re doing…simply because they are old and no one seems to care for them…so the tendency is they do all things that will pissed you off just for you to notice them…its like they have an ADHD…all old people have this because they felt that no one loves them and no one cares for them…so next time just ignore them…well in your case you tell your grandpa in a nice manner that what he’s doing pisses u off…and he gotta stop doing that…and tell him that if he wants to bond with you just say it no need to do stuffs that is really irritating…well i have this experience with my grandpa that pissed me off literally that i have to talk to him in a huge tone…well that was by accident since i just got home from work… well he ask me to cook some noodles and wen i gave him what he wants i told him is there anything u like because im really sleepy already, and he said none everything’s ok and i can rest..the moment i went out of his room, he called me back and said can u give me a glass of water please then i got him a water, and when i was about to go he said that can u spice up the noodles for me so i did, and then again when im about to go to my room he called back again and ask if i can get his blood pressure, then i said no because he just ate and the tendency is a result of a high blood pressure, so he said ok… and then again i asked him if you’re going to ask me to do something just tell me everything so i wont go back and fort cause im kinda tired and want to have some rest…then he said sorry that made me feel so guilty…am i that bad for doing that?

Sparkles said 9 years, 8 months ago:

I’m not sure if I get this right, you don’t like your grandpa because of what he does in the kitchen? How well do you know your grandpa I wonder? I’m just asking because I think I’m confused here. I love my grandpa dearly even though he can be stubborn at times. That’s just my grandpa and not everyone is all the time. That’s what makes them unique