Caprielle said 9 years, 11 months ago:

Okay, this is so pathetic but..
I’m 18 y/o and I have social media accounts like other young people do. I feel like I spend tons of time trying to update it, worrying that no one is posting on my wall for days and that it looks bad. I I feel bad that my posts don’t get many likes when a lot of people are getting 100 + likes now a days, and wasting time stalking people judging them based on how pretty/popular they look (which everyone does when they’re looking at other peoples profiles, you can’t deny it). I’m also jealous of my friends because they have lots of posts from random people especially their birthday greetings. I’m also jealous because they have lots of followers and tbh’s on their walls unlike mine. I really don’t know what to do, I hate having to worry about checking my accounts every day (I usually check it once a day) but at the same time it makes me feel bad to see other people looking like they have so many friends and people that love/adore them while I feel disliked/ignored mostly. I also don’t like that it makes people think you truly like them if you like their pics or whatever, or you’re mad at them or think less of them when you don’t. Also it’s very shallow and ego based, It is a huge popularity contest and makes me feel more unpopular than ever, then everyone I know can see that. I don’t know I don’t want to delete it again because last time I felt really isolated, but I don’t want to deal with anymore because it gives me anxiety, wasted my time, makes me feel frustrated and anxious and jealous and depressed.

Deleted User said 9 years, 11 months ago:

Hello Yesheliah! I think you know that sometimes social media can be very lame, you just said it… it feels like a competition, but it shouldn’t. Remember the outside world is much better than the cybernetic, so dont worry because it’s not about how good you look on your profile pic or how many likes you have if you like yourself enough, the only like that matters is yours, the only approval you need is yours. So I would say, try not to worry and make more friends and interact with them so they also interact on your activity, but it doesnt really matter :)

enjoy internet, adolescence and life, dont worry! if you need to talk you can message me, we are friends already :) be cool

Varys said 9 years, 11 months ago:

I’ve had similar thoughts some time ago. I felt like being ignored by everyone on social media, I used to post, trying to be original and active…but nothing “came back”. Just few comments and likes, just few people trying to keep in touch with me. Then I realized that I cared more about these few people that really seemed to be interested in me and my activities than having hundreds of friends that yeah, maybe will wish me a happy B-day but that apart from that hardly know who I am.
There are people that a reason or another are capable to attract lots of other people and they get popular. Are they really so full of friends as they seem to be, after all?
I’ve chosen to surround myself by true friends and true people and…even though sometimes it still itches that some witty post goes unnoticed, I don’t let this become an illness. Being active and popular on a social network doesn’t make you a good or a bad person, the same thing works when you are not so active and known.

And think about it: if you can take care of a blog or a social media page really well, it’s because you’re probably living your life on that social network and actually living poorly your real life.

It may sound as a stupid example but…some time ago I saw a tv commercial of a car that was super accessorized with media tools. And then the commercial said “Before you can share memories, you have to live them.” and it was so true that I couldn’t really believe this sentence came from a commercial.

So my advice is to analyze your jealousy and trying to understand that it is only brining you into feeling bad about something that should just help people to connect.
Another advice is to look for people that share you interests, things may change like you cannot even expect.

I wish you all the best :)

Zohra Mayyara-Mouahbi said 9 years, 11 months ago:

Hi Yesheliah :)
You don’t have to worry about what other people do on those sites. I agree with what the others have said. I’m kind of the same, but still different. I have to worry about what I post because people talk too much crap. Be lucky that people don’t cause drama with you over it. The way I see it is that no matter what others do, you will either be you and be happy as that, or you will try to be someone you are not and miserable. Be you: a girl with a beautiful heart, and the right people who will like you and love you for who you are will come later. I am new here, but if you would like to talk, I am here :) Be you beautiful <3

iPurplicious said 9 years, 11 months ago:

I agree, my main has only around 12 likes a photo, and when I first started out less then 3. If you really care about all that stuff, make an fan account. You will find many new friends and followers!

Caprielle said 9 years, 11 months ago:

Thank you so much for responding thoughtfully on my post! Sorry for my bad english though. But anyways, I really appreciate your responses guys. :)

diana said 9 years, 11 months ago:

I had a similar phase before.
At the end of the day i’m going to be 100% honest with you.
Having likes and followers isn’t going to make you happier inside just superficial happiness will come from it.
And you don’t have to feel bad about yourself , it doesn’t mean you are not pretty enough honestly , some people have tons of likes and subscribers and aren’t all that and a cherry on top.
Seriously , i am 21 now , i had that phase. Eventually you will get over it i promise

PinkyMinky said 9 years, 6 months ago:

I have a twitter account.. Actually i just got it recently and i had no clue what to post onto it.. So i mostly posted things that i like and my drawings.. But i have like 10 people following me ._. I don’t like the whole idea of following people.. It gives me sort of a stalker vibe.. As if to say that if you can follow people online you can follow people offline as well.. ._. Twitter sort of feels like a popularity contest to me. And honestly all i have seen on twitter is a bunch of girls dressed really inappropriately and they have like 900 followers.. ( I wonder why >_> ) having people like your stuff and following you wont make you feel better about yourself. But you could potentially make some good friends on twitter. I got twitter just to talk with people from here on there since the whole mailbox thing here messes up alot. <3 just remember regardless of if the world loves you or hates you.. The most important thing is to love yourself :)

tdys said 9 years, 6 months ago:

Hey I understand completely! this is exactly why i dont post birthday shit or nearly anything with facebook. Popularity contests dont mean anything in the real world. Real connections is where its at. If you need to talk or a new friend just send a message my way!

Deleted User said 4 years, 3 months ago:

However, you can use a great camera to take sharp pictures fluidbuzz. Try to get your images at best angles. Edit your photos for better results.

Deleted User said 3 years ago:

You there, this is really good post here. Thanks for taking the time to post such valuable information. Quality content is what always gets the visitors coming.