Tam said 9 years, 2 months ago:

Do you ever feel like you can’t be the person that you really believe you are?
Like, all your actions reflect some other person, no matter how hard you try. It’s frustrating, because you know how you appear to others, and how your personality seems, but it’s just not the person that you want them to know about. It’s frustrating trying to write these, I feel like I’m wrestling with my mind.
It feels like you’re watching your every action on a screen and you can’t do anything about it.
You’re developing inside, but the things on the outside aren’t developing as the same rate as you.
And this worries me, because I’m concerned others feel this way, too. And they can’t express who they are as an individual. I feel like I’m not really interacting with them, just the person their body will allow them to be, and in turn I’m the person my body allows me to be.
I think this is what contributes to a false sense of reality that so many of us feel, because our bodies restrict so many of the things we wish we could express, it’s frustrating and it feels like we got a raw deal on this whole life situation.
I hope some of this makes sense. I’m pretty certain it won’t, just curious if anyone else gets a similar feeling.

Deleted User said 9 years, 2 months ago:

I feel like that all e time lately like e person on e outside and e person on e inside are constantly at odds. At times its like im at war with myself because I just cant seem to be who I wanna be because my dreams cant seem to coesxist with my reality

subliminallysublime said 9 years, 2 months ago:

“I’m concerned others feel this way, too”

the other feels exactly this way!

our bodies restrict us because you are not mind without body and body without mind. Some people have let their body come first. Some just let their mind drag them around. Some people wear hearts on their sleeve to remind people that they’re more than just a body.

I feel like… I feel like the other but I can’t feel the other with more than just my body and mind. Like I don’t know if exactly how you or anyone else feels like, but I feel like I’m going crazy when I can’t be the person I used to be or want to be.

psychosis might be it for me. I think its worse when your mind restricts what your body wants to express, or you.

Is it frustrating to write or are you frustrated when you write?

Tam said 9 years, 2 months ago:

Imagine being around just one person, neither of you having these restraints. It’d be the equivalent of infinite knowledge to me, experiencing the only infinite that person has ever known, their own life.

I’m frustrated when I’m trying to write about it, to explain it the way it sounds in my head. It’s like trying to pull thoughts out of my mind, and it feels physically impossible.

subliminallysublime said 9 years, 2 months ago:

talking to people, especially people that I know I love and that love me have freed me from innumerable scars. Its just finding those people are so hard and trusting those people comes too easily sometimes. That and I find it hard to find someone to share things with. I’m not sure if I don’t have anything to share or that I don’t think they would want to share something like that. people don’t care about freeing everyone anymore.