Vent to me! said 10 years, 1 month ago:

I am so sick and tired of the school system and how they decide to treat kids. The main subjects that every school teaches is math,english,science and history. Now what do they go the next year, the same exact thing, but on a whole new different, unnecessary level. Not to mention all of the religious folk that go to school and are told to learn about the theory of evolution, literally having it shoved down their throats. Now when am I going to need to know, half the things in math on an everyday basis.

School: “Oh, im sorry you wanted to do art, LOLNO screw what you want to do with your life, im going to shove calculus down your throat, and when you go to college for art, you’re STILL going to need to learn math, despite the fact that you wont need to need it when you grow older, how ’bout that?”

The educational system has the mentality that the more rigorous the course is , the better. But now that I look back , I don’t remember half of the things that ive learned. All I remember is the people ive met and the teachers, which is why I think that the way they teach should be more relaxed and hands-on instead of just giving them the information and expecting them to learn everything,its completely superficial.

Ellie10 said 10 years ago:

I think a lot of the issues you raise are valid, however, the education system has much bigger problems to tackle than just curriculum. For example, standardized testing. Students are very different in how they best demonstrate their learning, and school districts are placing a large emphasis on state standardized tests to: 1) evaluate and assess student learning, instead of using more abstract ways to assess learning, 2) evaluate the quality of a teacher (especially when special services for students with IEPs or 504 plans are limited).

Anyways, I tend to disagree with you with your argument of why the educational system is flawed. It certainly is flawed in many ways, but I don’t think this is the biggest problem with it.

No, you probably won’t retain everything you learned in school. No, I certainly don’t remember what I learned on this day in Algebra II and Trigonometry or Constitutional Law in High School. However, school is way more than just learning content. You learn to follow rules, time management, working with others, working with a “superior,” and preparing for a life outside of school. You’re going to have to do things you don’t want to do for the rest of your life. Not necessarily job related, but definitely things like paying taxes, paying bills, succumbing to not-so-great laws and acts. School gives you a beginning look into how to deal with those kinds of things. I’m sorry that you’re not having the time of your life, I know I didn’t in High School. But you will be better for it when you’re done! Good luck :)