Shadow-Hate said 10 years ago:

Is my username, my blog is more depressed, anxiety, trigger warning, cutting. Expresses how I really feel behind a fake smile.

Caitlin said 10 years ago:

That’s me! I post a lot of things and sometimes I write.

I always follow back. And love talking to people. =)

Novell said 10 years ago:

My blog is a mixture of everything. i love talking so i wished i got more ask’s/spoke to more people c:

Marvel-in-the-TARDIS said 10 years ago:

Mine’s more fandom based

Rachel said 10 years ago:

Follow my blog? :3 Its a mixture of depression&relationship stuff. I follow back similar blogs!

Rebecca said 10 years ago:

My blog is just whatever is on my mind really. Check it out if you want : )

thehelphunter said 10 years ago:

i also have a comedy blog thing check it out if you are interested. i also have the occasional fandom post but not much tbh

Timeless said 10 years ago:

Most Active Blog

My writing blog (not so active, but maybe more active if I get more followers)

HaleyAnn said 10 years ago: Here is my link :D
I am new to this site! Excited to follow new blogs and talk to new people!

Candra Wakeham said 10 years ago:

Hi hi! I’d love to have some more followers. Just a heads up my tumblr can be NSWF at times. So please beware.

GameyFreak said 10 years ago:

I just joined this website, and I actually found it through a friend on tumblr :)

My urls (Main blog where I post a lot of random things) (My animal crossing: new leaf blog!)

Jason H. said 10 years ago:

lel, super fandom blog but with other stuff mixed in

Alex Marlo Kinsley said 10 years ago:

I post mostly homestuck, snk and some hannibal

Anne said 10 years ago:

Well I mostly reblog random stuff – funny, amazing, inspirational stuff. I have some personal posts as well but it depends on my mood to write nonsense.

I followed some blogs here, hello! Perfect timing since I wanted to follow more blogs but didn’t know how to find them.