Levi-UR said 9 years, 10 months ago:

A fandom dedicated to those who follow the books or watch the show. I can’t believe we don’t already have a topic for this but here goes. By the way spoilers should be avoided for those who watch the show. (yes i know i read the books too) other then that have fun. so first question favorite house and why?

Deleted User said 9 years, 10 months ago:

There is seriously no other GoT topics? That is surprising! I’m not completely caught up (and I don’t mind spoilers if they do spill out), so right now my favorite house is the Stark’s. Or whatever their symbol is… Dire wolf? Anyway, I like how committed they are to tradition and fighting for their rights.

Daenerys Targaryen is pretty cool and all with the dragons, but I have yet to see what she brings to the table. I’m still stuck in season two. lol :P

Levi-UR said 9 years, 10 months ago:

If you are only in the middle of season 2 you don’t want spoilers… trust me… favorite house for me? If i could exclude 2 people and pick the house anyways? ide say Lannisters. the two people i exclude are Cersei and Joffrey (duh). The rest show a nice twisted antihero side and use any means to get it. Following that House Baelish. Its just Littlefinger and he makes up the whole house so yea

n0ndescript said 9 years, 10 months ago:

Has to be the Starks. You know the usual stuff like – morals, ethics, code (atleast for Ned & Rob to begin with). have completed all the seasons aired so far, waiting for the next eagerly. My fav character though – Arya Stark (closely followed by Tyrion). Arya is a real badass. always has been, and her character has progressed immensely !

Levi-UR said 9 years, 10 months ago:

okay so there is a Fandom for Game of Thrones/Song of Ice and Fire. its in the other group Fandom Geeks. Because of course we have two groups for more or less the same thing