tweeks said 10 years, 3 months ago:

I went through high school more focused on academics than relationships. I was in choir and I loved it. But I couldn’t seem to find my ever after.
I dated five people throughout my school years, not including university. Each ended, each a little more traumatic than the last. I went from just no spark, to controlling, to abusive, to manipulating to lying cheating dirtbags.

I gave up. I decided that God did not have it in his plan for me, for me to have an ever after relationship.

Then, my friend Allie (who I love dearly) decided that I needed to meet a friend of her’s who was in town and she had recently reconnected with. He went to a college in a different town.

It turned out that me and this guy went to the same high school. I was a year above him. He played baseball and I was in choir. So we never had the chance to run into one another.

After meeting him (he had came to our work, we were servers at a Red Robin), I immediately pulled Allie aside and asked if he was single. I knew at that moment that God did in fact have a plan for me. I got lucky and she told me he was. We talked for about an hour at the restaurant. Thank God we were slow that day.

Once he left I asked Allie to give him my number, they were supposed to go to a bonfire that night with a group of their friends. She was super excited at this point and was determined to get us together. She agreed.

The next day she came up to me at work and asked for my phone. I gave it to her and asked why. She said, Justin (they guy) told her that if I was interested I needed to text him first and to give me his number.

During our break that day she asked if I had texted him yet. I said no and she told me I had to or she would do it for me. So I sent a simple “Hey, this is Taylor. Allies’ friend you met yesterday.”

We texted all day, all night for weeks. We hung out with Allie and a few friends. Then he had to go back to school. He suggested that I come see him.

So, on Tuesday Allie and I drove to his school to see him. I didn’t want to go alone and Allie was good company for the drive.
It quickly became a Tuesday tradition. We would drive out and see Justin.
Then he asked me to come to one of his baseball games. This time I went alone.

We started officially dating about three weeks after we met. We’ve been together ever since.

The best part is, I met Allie because she is a cousin to my high school best friend. She didn’t even go to my high school. I have her to thank for my ever after.

Justin and I are now engaged and I am planning a 2017 wedding. We have an apartment together as well as a cat and a dog.

I have never been more happy in my life. Justin in my friend and the love of my life.