Darroy said 10 years ago:

So a month and a half ago I got snakebites professionally done.

Did anyone else get whitish like film from the inside the piercing (inner lip) a month-two months AFTER?
(K I know, gross.)

I’m kinda freaked out that it’s infected, but honestly I don’t wanna go back to the shop cause I changed my piercings myself and I think they’ll be angry about it xD

but COME ON they charge WAAAAAAAY too much to come in. It would have cost me $60-$80 to come in to get them changed…

Anyway, they aren’t painful or swollen, but yeah the inside is just nasty. >_<

And if it is infected. is there an alternative to going in the shop? Seriously, these guys will be pissed.. not even to mention how humiliating it would be.
"Yep, I'm a poor s.o.b. and changed them myself and now they're infected SO YEAH."

Swifting said 10 years ago:

Try rinsing with salt water a few times a day it’ll help clean it up and sterile. If it doesn’t stop or it starts to smell or hurt you need to get it looked at.

innumerae said 10 years ago:

White film is completely normal, kind of like a canker sore. It’s only been two months, so it’s not completely healed. You should be completely fine.

Like @Swifting said, salt water is the best way to keep it clean and sterile. Make sure it is warm so it can loosen up any of the film that is stubborn.

Dark Rainbow said 9 years, 11 months ago:

The white film is white blood cells. if I am thinking of the same thing as you are and its completely normal. Salt water soaks as said above is the best solution. The place you got them pierced will not get angry you changed them yourselves you are a customer and they should be able to help you.

Deleted User said 9 years, 9 months ago:

I never had anything like that happen to me but then again when I pierced my lip they told me I couldn’t wear it at work so I was only able to wear it for about 2 weeks before having to take it out for 8 hours everyday. It was pretty hellish. But somehow it never got infected though it did take way longer than normal for it to completely heal because I basically had to keep reopening the wound every day as it would heal a little bit between the morning and when I got off work.