madmath said 8 years, 10 months ago:

So I’m going to get a tattoo. What I want is advice about placement, colors and design.

I also posted this under general ASK, But I figured I’ll get faster, and Better answers here.

As of right now I have the design of an infinity symbol with the word love written in it. But not like the ones on the internet. The word love goes straight through the part where the two halves intersect.

I don’t know what to do about color. Should i get it in plain black, or fancy it up a bit with color. My favorite color is royal Purple. Should I do that?

I am considering getting it either on the inside of my right ankle or the inside of my left wrist. (don’t suggest a different place there are emotional reasons that i want it to be one of these two). I’m having a hard time deciding between the two. Here are the things i’m considering.
I have a fairly high pain tolerance, but which of theses is more painful?
The ankle is easier to hide in the high probability i have a non-tolerant job.
My wrist is somewhere that i will see it more often (I want it somewhere highly visible to me).
I have joint problems in ankles and carpal tunnel in wrist.

If it is on my wrist i want to keep it relatively simple ad small, but I still feel like it needs something more.

If it is on my ankle i want to fancy it up a bit, and have it be a bit bigger.

The Emotional meaning behind this tattoo is to remind me to love myself and others, and not to be afraid to let others in for fear of being hurt.
with that in mind, if you have any suggestions, be they opinions, or websites that give good tattoo advice, i would love to hear them.

Swifting said 8 years, 7 months ago:

I realize this post is now a few months old. But, if you have yet to go for the ink I will say that if you have an intolerant job the ankle is the place to go.

I have not done my ankle but I have done my ribs and pelvic bone and I can tell you that those are fairly painful. But, not unmanageable with small sittings. My recommendation is to start small and if you want to embellish later do so at a later time and date. You can always add on to the tattoo as time allows.

For me I chose a place to worship my body where I was mostly going to see it when I was alone and times when I would feel the worst about my body. But, everyone feels different about their body.