Jenn said 10 years, 3 months ago:

I’ve had my navel pierced for about 6 months now and it’s definitely moved a bit since I got it pierced…nothing major, but it still freaks me out

punky said 10 years, 3 months ago:

I’m not super familiar with navel piercings myself, but is it super red? Inflamed? Possibly oozing? If it is, especially after six months, you have a problem. A little movement isn’t necessarily a bad thing. My eyebrow piercing did move a little when I first got it but I’ve had it for four years now. No rejection.
I’d suggest that if you’re really worried, go to the piercer who did it and get their professional opinion.

Loren said 9 years, 12 months ago:

It’s cool! No worries, I’ve had mine for 2 years. It’s typical for it to shift slightly, because the navel that’s pierced is slightly loose, as a skin. The hole on mine has shifted a bit, where it moves a tad, it’s natural! (: