Liz said 10 years, 2 months ago:


–I’m sorry if this may be long, I need help and no one has answers. I want to explain it in detail.–

So my problem is revolved around bullying and copying and I really need help. It’s causing me stress, bad depression, anxiety and social anxiety. Also a bit of OCD.

So there’s this girl, let’s call her Amy. So about 3-4 years ago, I came up to Amy, and we became friends. We were fine for about a year until we really started using the internet. That’s basically how all my problems come up.

So when we started using the internet (2nd year of our friendship) we both basically used Facebook. Yeah whatever nothing happened, but shit started when we both started drawing.

So a year ago, I got deviantART (art site) and stuff was fine, didn’t mind much. Nothing happened actually. She drew and I drew (we did copy each other now and then but it wasn’t a huge deal to me, cause I dealt with it and told her and she said sorry and stuff)

//Don’t worry this problem doesn’t only revolve around art//

But stuff got bad this year (as in 2013-present)
Nothing really happens on deviantART actually, it’s basically the same.

But she got DrawCast this year (art app) and she then started copying me.

But this year Amy got really mean and rude and swears a lot and she’s considered a bully but I’m still “friends” with her even though I don’t want to be (she has no other friends and no one likes her)
She copies my drawings, my art style, etc. Like you could look at both of our drawings and they’re practically similar. She also stalks who I follow and who my friends are which sucks cause she steals my friends (internet friends) and sometimes even tries to steal real life friends from school.

I think I can actually deal with the art stealing, but woah what really gets to me.

She’s practically me. A twin of me. And yeah that sounds “cool” but I hate it. Why? Because I hate her. She’s mean, rude, etc.

We both have brown hair (but her hair is curly and mine is straight)

I have dip dye (blonde) and she even almost did blonde dip dye too until I told my friend and she told Amy to back off. I have braces and after I got braces, Amy said: “Wow cool! I think I need them too.”
Also she says she’s considering getting glasses too. It’s like she wants to be me.

People even confuse us, which disgusts me.

But real life doesn’t bother me much, she doesn’t copy me nor bother me in real life too much. The biggest problem here is;
She texts and talks like me.

I know it’s stupid but it really gets to me. And I didn’t make any of the sentences or emojis or words I use, but still, I use them first and I kinda feel like they define my personality, and then she started using them, and I stop cause 1. I hope she will too and 2. She makes it annoying (did I mention she’s also immature and annoying??)

But it never works. Examples on what words/things she copies me on: “Lmao” “Lmfao” “Omf” “Omfg” “>vw<" "Blah" "U butt" "U fart" and so much more.

She also copies me with my interests or things I like.
And it makes me really depressed, I like to be unique, i don't want a copy of me. Especially since I hate her.

So my question is, what do I do? What can I say to her? (Keep in mind I am actually afraid of her, she can be really mean and she always swears at me, even if we're friends)

How can I tell her I don't want to be her friend? I don't want to hang out with her or talk to her? But in a reasonable way and nicely, so she doesn't snap and swear at me and start a fight.

Also most importantly, how do I tell her to back off and stop copying me? Stop copying my art style and drawings? Stop copying the way I talk/text and things I say?

Please help :< I'm really stuck. And it's made me done things like self-harm.

Tomlinson_Sucked_A_Bun said 10 years, 2 months ago:

First off I want to say that this isn’t stupid because it’s how you feel and you have the right to feel any emotion that you want. Also if you ever need anyone to talk to you can always message me, I’ll listen and I’ll be there for you. Have you tried talking to Amy maybe if you just tell her that her coping you and taking your friends and things like that hurt your feelings. I understand that you want to be orginal, I do to but it sounds to me that Amy really likes you and she looks up to you and see you as an inspiration. Please don’t be afraid of her a few months back I was bullied and I didn’t tell anyone or do anything about it and the kids who were bulling me didn’t realize they were hurting my feelings, what I’m trying to say is if you don’t speak up things will get worse. Good luck. I hope things get better for you, they’ve gotten better for me(: