JoJo said 10 years, 7 months ago:

So first things first: Console or PC? Which console, if you play on a console?

And then the games. Just a list of your favs and the ones you might play multiplayer on. Let’s share our nerdiness =D

-Left 4 Dead 2 & Left 4 Dead. I play L4D2 the most and that’s the one I usually play multi-player on.


-Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3 (play multiplayer on 3 a little)

-Borderlands 2 (single & multiplayer)

-Age of Empires III (usually Asian Dynasties; often play single player but sometimes do a LAN game with my significant other. Have yet to play online for real.)

-Far Cry 3 (am in love with multiplayer on this game! Main character is a wuss in single player, but love me some Callum and Mikhail!)

-Just Cause 2 (EXPLOSIONS!)


-The Sims 3

-Fallout 3


-EVE Online (account is suspended for now due to finances. Had a blast while playing it, though, and can’t wait to fire it up again.)

So those are the games I play the most, though L4D2 has about 80% of my gaming hours according to Steam. What can I say? Shooting a bunch of squishy targets or hitting them with a cast iron skillet after a rough day at work is just so soothing. =D

Dr.Lecter said 10 years, 7 months ago:

I have a PS3 but I also have a PC.
-Far Cry 3 (PS3)
-Minecraft (PC)
-The Sims 3 (PS3)
-Grand Theft Auto (PS3)
-Batman Series (PS3)
-Saints Row Series (PS3)
-Garrys Mod (PC)

MemorableFriend said 10 years, 7 months ago:

PC mostly but I own and xbox(regretably).
I chose xbox originally in the war because all of my friends owned x boxes. Well they all got red rings and moved to Sony

League of Legends above all else (the rest is in no particular order)


Those are probably my top 5 games.

JoJo said 10 years, 7 months ago:


I have Garry’s Mod but I have noooo idea how to play it. I can’t seem to wrap my head around how to import the models and such that I would like to mess with and we got rid of our home internet just after I purchased it, so I haven’t really gotten to play it much.

I’ve never played League of Legends but have heard good things. Maybe when Steam does its holiday sales I’ll snag a copy :)

JoJo said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Btw, sorry for the late reply. Apparently I forgot to follow the topic and had no idea that anyone had answered me until today. D’oh!

MemorableFriend said 10 years, 7 months ago:

League of Legends is actually free to play. It isn’t bought through steam, the other popular moba (dota2) is done through steam.

It’s very addicting and fun if you get into it, but it can take a while to learn because you need to learn what every champion does in order to fight them.

I was lucky enough to start when there was only like 30 champions. But there is over 100 now

Enol Flow said 10 years, 7 months ago:

GBA Pokémon Fire Red (;

Lumos said 10 years, 7 months ago:

I’m all for PS3 (would love to have a PC too).
I’m more of a campaign single player guy. I only do multiplayer when there’s people next to me. Online doesn’t suit me very much. Quite an expertise on the gaming world, and would love to have some good discussions.

My list goes something like:
Hitman (the entire series)
Uncharted (the entire series)
The Last Of Us
Far Cry 3
Crysis (the entire series)
Batman (all except Origins)
Assassins Creed (all except Black Flag)

Anamichu said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Xbox 360;
Diablo 3
Halo 4
Fable 3
Naruto Storm 3
Final Fantasy
Dead Island

JoJo said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Thanks for sharing your nerdiness with me, guys! :)

I started gaming with Medal of Honor: Allied Assault on the first computer my family ever owned and my love of videogames exploded from there. I think that since my first gaming experience is with a FPS, I tend to lean more toward those kinds of games. I enjoy some good RPGs every now and then, though.

I’ll have to look into League of Legends. It sounds a little less complex than EVE Online, but not by much lol; God, that game… I love it and hate it in equal amounts.

Deleted User said 10 years, 7 months ago:

I play The Sims 3, Minecraft, and just recently got SimCity 4 so I’ve been playing that too :) I’ve also played all the Assassin’s Creed’s except the newest one…haven’t been able to get that yet lol

Matt said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Xbox 360;
Call of Duty: MW3 and Black Ops mainly
Mass Effect: All of them
Halo: All of them

Vivid Melody said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Not currently playing anything but:

Console: Rayman, Mario Party, Crash Bandicoot, Tekken games, Soul Calibur games.

PC: World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings online, Guild Wars II, Everquest II

Riss said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Sims 3 with the University, Ambitions, and Late Night expansion packs!

Dr.Lecter said 10 years, 4 months ago:

@bloomingflower I love the Hitman series :)