Dark Rainbow said 9 years, 11 months ago:

Hi, I know we only have 5 group members so far but I was hoping someone could help me..
I have been dating the same girl for a year and almost 5 months.. I’m out of the closet everywhere but at home to my family…
And she is out to her family and some of her friends.
I was wondering should I come out to my parents? and if so how?

sarah-the-crohnie said 9 years, 11 months ago:

i think youh should take her over and be like mom dad this is my girlfriend and i love her and if they cant accept that there awful parents.

Anybody said 9 years, 11 months ago:

If you want to come out to your parents, and I’m assuming they’re not homophobes, then go for it! (If they are, and you feel that you might get kicked out, don’t do it. Your safety is more important than coming out.)

There are endless ways of coming out to your parents. One easier way would be to invite your girlfriend over and introduce her as “___, my girlfriend”.

Another way would be to just talk to your parents. It’s easier in my experience to talk to one at a time. Wait for a quiet moment and just start talking. You could begin with “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you” or “You might have already guessed that”.

A third way would be to write a note and leave it for them to find. In the note, tell them about your girlfriend, explain that you were too nervous to tell them in person, and ask them to come and find you when they read it.

The important thing is that you can do it. Coming out is scary, yes, but the sense of relief that you get is always worth it. You can do it!

You can message me if you want to borrow some courage- I still have some saved from when I came out to my family.