Nicole said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Why do most lesbians not like bisexual females?

Sof said 10 years, 7 months ago:

If I’m being honest with you (Please excuse my mistakes…English is so not my first language) I don’t know. I think there are a lot of prejudice when it comes to Bisexuals, specially from the gay and lesbian community. I think It might be the fact that now being “bisexual” (more like hetero-curious) is like some kind of trend (I’m not sure if that’s the right way of saying it D:). So you can’t actually know who is really a bisexual, and who’s just…experimenting, and that can be scary. To be honest, I don’t have any problem with it (That’s my personal opinion of course), I mean…You are just the way you are…it’s no one business. And yeah… I kind of get where they’re comming from…(The people that don’t like bisexuals) But I don’t think is the right way of seeing it.
I mean…Being bisexual is not that you feel attacted to all men and women. It’s just that you can be attracted to, or fall in love with any of them. darn…I’m rambling…haha, but yeah. I mean…Personally I think people should be just who they are, and that’s that, seriously…people should love whoever the hell they want. And as long as you don’t mess with them or their heads or their hearts, everything else is cool. You can do that being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual…it doesn’t actually matter.
I don’t think there’s a real or a huge difference, Of course I’m not talking about the ones that are just trying it out, cause you know, they just want to see how does it feel and that’s it. Those persons are likely to break your heart, So because of them I kinda get why there is so much prejudice about Bi-people. ‘Cause even if it’s not the same thing, It’s easy to get confused about who is what and stuff.

Anywaaay…I’ll shut up now ’cause damn…that was freaking long…Sorry! D:…I hope my answer helped…and yeah…hum…take care! :p. Now I’m realizing I don’t make sence at all…dagn it! Sorry!

Deleted User said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Many people pretend to be lesbian or bisexual but they’re not. They’re just searching their own identity.

Jess said 10 years, 7 months ago:

I kind of agree with what Sofia said. As a whole, we don’t hate bisexuals, we’re just scared because bisexual has unfortunately become a very loose term recently and we don’t know who is actually bisexual and who is playing around or experimenting or just using it to justify cheating or messing around with the same gender. We don’t want to be science projects. We don’t hate bisexuals, we hate FAKE bisexuals, and it can be very hard to tell the difference.

When you get down to the individual level, some might believe that bisexuality is not a legitimate sexuality, the fact that bisexuals are attracted to penis might turn them off a bit, some people may have had a bad experience with a fake bisexual, a lot just have a preference for lesbians, which is understandable I think. It’s a lot of different things.

I’ve found most lesbians don’t dislike bisexual females, it just that they’re insecure about dating them.

Nicole said 10 years, 6 months ago:

Thank you all so much I understand now, I consider myself bisexual and it’s annoying for people to have to really sit there and think if I am telling the truth about my sexuality, who would lie about that it’s a waste of time and energy. If you’re experimenting just say it don’t lie That automatically creates trust issues for some people and it’s not cool at all. I see now that the hate for some bisexuals is the guard of feelings being built from lesbians. (if that made sense)

brineon said 10 years, 6 months ago:

The thing is -and being more attracted to women- being bisexual myself, it pisses me off being bisexual is being a trend.So I dont really think it’s just lesbians.I think it would make people who are really bisexual pissed too.Because as you guys’ve said it makes us look bad, it’s impossible to know who is really bi and who isn’t.So yeah.