Kathrine said 10 years, 7 months ago:

Im actaully straight but i support others who are not because we all the same we all have a heart that look same as mine <3

So how do I tell my parents or anybody else.
I found ages ago this video , that i feel in love with and what i actually did ..
There was this teacher that keep talking how wrong it is to be a lesbian to be gay or anyone else , my whole class was getting angry at her because it wasnt one lesson or two but it was five , six .. they were getting enough and i was as well on each lesson we begin to fight wiht her telling her she was wrong and then my amazing idea was to bring the video to the class. I was working on it for four hours because i had to put my languege subtaitls to it but i did it . I watch the video over 100 times.
My class was crying while seeing it and all end up crying even though it was year 12 , the teacher was angry because the video wasnt supporting what she was saying but she was shock about my bravery to bring it up and about the short film stroy that she could never think that it would come out like this . And thats how i change her thoughts.

enjoy :)

desi said 10 years, 7 months ago:

i have seen that video before and my girlfriend is trying to get my school to play it for bullying week i hope they say yes :) its a very power video it made me cry