heygingerkid said 9 years, 10 months ago:

In order to try to keep this short, I’m just going to bullet the key events. but first things first. I’m 20, I dated a boy for a little over five years. We moved in together in October 2013.
*his mom was my boss.
* my bf managed one of his parents businesses, so he paid all out rent, I paid utilities. It worked for us.
*January I found out I was pregnant.
*His parents were 100% unsupportive.
*His family was more mine than my own.
*My family supported whatever our decision was.
*I’m prochoice, but I knew i could never emotionally handle an abortion or adoption. there was already a bond i wasn’t strong enough to break.
*we were in an okay position. my boyfriend knew that. he was with me.
*ultrasounds shown to my whole family. facebook. instagram.
* His mother called him one night, woke us both up (i was morning sick during some of my shifts at work (a waitress) and would sit down sometimes in a corner booth when slow.)
*i could hear her say “all she does is sit on her ass. i should just fire her. your going to have a welfare baby anway”
*i lost it.
*texted her “you self rightous bitch..dont plan on me ever coming back there again…how dare you … etc”
*he was adopted greek. VERY family oriented.
*what i did was a no-no.
*they made him choose his family, or me.
*if me, he’d lose them forever. and his car. and phone. and any money they felt he owed them.
*he kept in the middle for a few weeks.
* my mom came to my house. told me make sure hes still with you on this.
*”i am. we’ve talked about it before. ”
“make sure”
*she left, i sat him down “you’re still with me on this right?”
* “I never was”
*he had only been telling me what i wanted to hear.
*”you need to fix what you did. you need to make the right decision”
*talked and cried for hours. hysterical.
*Didnt want him to resent me. didnt want to ruin his life.
*made an appointment for an abortion. february 18.
*2 weeks later, he dumped me and moved out.
*i gave everything . in order to try to save what i loved. his family, him, the situation, i just wanted everything back. i blamed myself for everything. i thought this would fix it.
*it didnt.
*February 18th is the day that i died.
*March i downed my bottle of prozac.
*of course, he just happened to walk into my house. he still had a key, came to get more of his stuff
*found me. got me conscious. i dont remember anything else.
*havent talked to him since.
*getting evicted because along with medical bills, i cant afford our house myself.
*i was due september 21st.
*her name was Freya Michelle.
*i dont know how to end this.
*but September 21st will be the make it or break it day for me.

Swifting said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I have been in a similar place. Though, I can only imagine your pain. Every situation is different. Know you are not alone.

You will get through this. I know it feels like you’re dying. But I can honestly say that you’ll get through this.

Your heart will never feel exactly the same but it will heal. You will see that it is possible to move forward and heal. You can and will find love again and a child will make your life meaningful in the future.

I’m always available for a chat.

onlybabyscars said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I’m here for you sweetheart.
I’ve never been in an exact situation like that, but I’ve had a few things like that happen to me. I completely understand. That guy was wrong and he shouldn’t have walked away from you and the baby like that.

heygingerkid said 9 years, 10 months ago:

thank you. i appreciate it.

Dark Rainbow said 9 years, 10 months ago:

I’m always here for you hun. I’ve never been in that situation but I have a friend who has also been forced into an abortion. xoxo.
he was wrong and shouldn’t have forced you under an circumstances.

becausemeagan said 9 years, 10 months ago:

thank you for bullet pointing important info because I sometimes miss pieces and I think what you’re going through is a lot. Well for starters it seems that your family is really supportive of you. So maybe you can talk to them and ask for their support until you’re back on your feet. Also by NO means am I trying to promote religion or anything. But if you go to a local church they have groups and help for those who need of it. Maybe they can give you support and help with what steps you can take to just get back on track with your life (not just with the emotionally but financially too). It’s also usually free of charge. So that’s why I suggest going the church route.

Also, I’m not sure you’re still working your job or not.
but if you are just stay cordial with your boss. Do not feel that you’re in any wrong. I hope you find a better job. And I do hope any of this helped! Please stay in contact! And keep staying strong!

Holly Thorne said 9 years, 9 months ago:

I was not forced into an abortion so for that I am sorry but I too have been through an abortion and it is fucking killing me :’( I’m trying to find some sorta conselling sessions for free online, just uhfuihuibher

NotSafeForTwerk said 9 years, 9 months ago:

Holy hell, that was a dick move on his part. D:
I can only say that I am sorry. I can’t possibly fathom the amount of pain you had to go through in all this, and the strength you are showing in keeping yourself together.
That being said, you have to stay strong. Not just for yourself and well being, but to prove him wrong. Don’t let this cripple you and drag you down. You have shown great resolve and willpower up till now, don’t let it stop you.
I know it isn’t much consolation coming from a stranger on the internet, but if you ever need someone to chat with or vent to, I am here.